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Bilan de la Cinquième Table Ronde Ministérielle : Vers un financement durable de l’éducation en Afrique

Les ministres africains en charge de l’Education et des TIC ont appelé à repenser les stratégies de financement adoptées par leurs institutions d’éducation supérieure afin d’atteindre les Objectifs du Millénaire pour le développement des Nations unies d’ici à 2015. Bilan de la Cinquième Table Ronde Ministérielle sur l’éducation et le financement durable en Afrique.


Is mLearning the shape of things to come?

In the absence of formal educational infrastructure, mobile technology will be instrumental in transforming education in under-resourced areas, reveals a new study conducted by the Global System for Mobile Communications Association (GSMA). Over 1200 youths from Ghana, India, Morocco and Uganda were polled, and in spite of the geographical divide, there were many striking parallels in how they interact with mobile technology.

Conference sneak preview

eLearning Africa 2012 closes on a high note

Max Ahouèkè, Benin’s Minister of Communication and Information and Communication Technologies, has closed the annual eLearning Africa conference which was held in Cotonou from May 23rd – 25th. Ahouèkè praised those gathered for the progress that has been achieved in implementing ICT-enhanced educational practices across Africa. He said, “More and more students now have access to world-class learning resources without the barriers of distance […]

Field Stories

For girls, it is possible to dream big

Growing up in her native Kenya, Juliana Rotich was the lonely, young “geek” with oversized glasses at school. Today she is a highly successful tech entrepreneur who is a co-founder and Executive Director of Ushahidi, a homegrown non-profit tech company that has taken the world by storm. She spoke to Jocelyne Sambira of Africa Renewal Online about how increasing the number of female techs […]

Conference sneak preview

The winners take it all

Three lucky eLearning Africa fans are each walking away with a Wi-Fi and 4G-enabled iPad3 after their names were drawn from those of the 876 respondents to the eLearning Africa 2012 Survey conducted earlier this year. Dinah Amankwah of Ghana, Joseph Mevognon of Benin and Abraham Kule of Uganda are on top of the world!