1. It has been more than five years since you shared with eLearning Africa that you were “worried by the Silicon Valley approach” in Africa, and “the disturbing trend for large corporations to seize power and control, controlling the conversation with a cultural agenda.” You noted then that African countries should be “doing the research on what works for them.” What have you learned […]
Field Stories
e-Assessment in Africa
In the rapidly evolving assessment landscape, e-assessment is a pivotal tool for transforming learning experiences on the African continent. The use of technology-enabled assessment to streamline and improve the assessment process can significantly enhance learning outcomes. The e-Assessment Association (eAA) is a not-for-profit focused on all things relating to the use of technology in assessment and is free to join. The rationale for using […]
A moment in time. Uganda Kayanga District
by Pauline McLeod “I want to read, I want to read.” Three P1 and 2 children were knocking on the door at 9.00am in the morning. Not yet fully dressed these three children had come from the nearby village and were outside Maligita Primary School Office. They wanted access to the books in the library and to read on the tablets. Maligita Primary School […]
Changing cultural norms through education: Voices from Ghanaian female principals
by Corinne Brion, PhD, University of Dayton, USA
With 17 goals and 169 targets, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) aim to eradicate poverty in all its forms by 2030. Goal #5 reads: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls. The proposed study explores Goal 5 target 5.5 which strives to: Ensure women’s full and effective participation […]
Distance Learning for Agriculture
By Marty Spittle, IBERS Distance Learning Manager, Aberystwyth University
IBERS Distance Learning at Aberystwyth University, is a multidisciplinary team creating online masters-level content. Our aim is to provide agriculturalists with easy access to high-level research findings, as well as a route towards postgraduate qualifications. The team is embedded in the Institute of Biological, Environmental and Rural Sciences (IBERS), an internationally-recognised research and teaching centre providing a unique base for research and teaching in response to global challenges. […]
Leadership Training in Burkina
by Corinne Brion
Neowongo! (Welcome in Moore, one of the 59 dialects In Burkina Faso, West Africa). Tonight, I am leaving Burkina Faso. I am at Ouagadougou’s international airport reflecting on my experiences in the land of the ‘Incorruptible People.’ Burkina Faso is the size of Colorado and has 19 million inhabitants. It is a former French colony and like many countries in Africa gained its independence in 1960. Burkina Faso ranks 183 out of 188 on the Human Development index […]
EPICA at eLearning Africa 2019
by Michael Opiyoh
The 14th eLearning Africa 2019 Conference was held in Abidjan, Côte D’ Ivoire from 23rd – 25th October 2019 at the Sofitel Abidjan Ivoire Hotel. The EPICA project was allocated a stand/booth by the organisers at the entrance of the Auditorium where the main events such as the Plenary sessions and the eLearning Africa debate took place. EPICA was represented during this year’s eLearning Africa by the following partners; […]
The eLearning Africa 2019 Report
The eLearning Africa Report 2019, which provides a snapshot of the state of education, training and development on the continent, interviewed more than 900 education professionals and technology experts about key issues, including progress towards the United Nations’ goal of universal access to quality education by 2030. The goal (UN SDG 4) is set out in the UN’s list of sustainable development goals (SDGs), […]
Lessons Learned from a Training of Trainers Model in Africa
By Dr. Corinne Brion, University of Dayton
Few adequate educational leadership trainings are available for school leaders in Africa Bush & Oduro, 2006). Due to the lack of professional development in leadership, the use of a Training of Trainers (TOT) model appears to an effective way to build the capacity of large numbers of school leaders. For the past few years, Dr. Paula Cordeiro […]
“Everyone Should Learn to Code”, Steve Jobs – 1995
By Evelyne Beguinot
Happy Coders Academy (HCA) is an African start-up founded in Morocco in 2016 at the initiative of three associates (from Morocco, Senegal, and France) train children as little as 4 to code and teach them stakes of the digital revolution. Although apparently ambitious, this goal draws
from the belief that the future generation should understand the digital world […]