Tag: eLearning

Field Stories Opinions Trends

The eLearning Africa 2019 Report

The eLearning Africa Report 2019, which provides a snapshot of the state of education, training and development on the continent, interviewed more than 900 education professionals and technology experts about key issues, including progress towards the United Nations’ goal of universal access to quality education by 2030. The goal (UN SDG 4) is set out in the UN’s list of sustainable development goals (SDGs), […]

Flipped Classroom in Guinea’s Teacher Training
Conference sneak preview

Flipped Classroom in Guinea’s Teacher Training

By Dr. Christian Hoffmann, Development Adviser, Basic Education Program, GIZ Guinea

November 13, 2022 – At the Teacher Training College in N’Zérékoré, a forested mountainous region in southeastern Guinea, the class of Monsieur Camara is studying in the solar-powered media room. For the beginning of today’s lesson, the education-sciences lecturer has prepared a Kahoot Quiz to test the prospective teachers’ comprehension of the video […]

Conference sneak preview

Interview: Florence Ducreau

By Harold Elletson
Florence Ducreau is a higher education teacher with long-standing experience of European eLearning projects. She is a founding member of the CANEGE Digital Campus and AUNEGE Digital Thematic University. She has participated in the joint Digital Thematic University Working Group on the integration of open educational resources (OERs) into teaching practice and she is a leading contributor to the ERASMUS+ […]


E-Learning for Kids Bridges The Educational Divide For Children Ages 5-12 With FREE Lessons And Partnerships In Africa

Access to computers and internet is growing in Africa – but high-quality educational courseware is still out of reach for many schools, parents and children.  The e-Learning for Kids Foundation (EFK), a global non-profit foundation dedicated to opening doors to education worldwide, has entered into many exciting partnerships with schools, organizations and non-profits throughout the African continent by making available their proven 800+ digital […]

Field Stories

Highlighting the need to accelerate eLearning adoption in Uganda

By Isaac Kasana, Research & Education Network for Uganda Introduction For many years, the primary thrust of eLearning was to complement or enhance distance-learning needs: to make it more affordable and more accessible for the learners and also to enhance the educators’ throughput. With the developments in technology capability over the past 12 years, eLearning in its own right can now address many more education […]


The Next Frontier in Solving Africa’s Problems – eLearning

By Wycliffe Omanya, Plan International In an event with over a thousand delegates, 68 parallel sessions, 50 exhibition booths, and 18 sector representation, the 13th eLearning Africa conference in Kigali, Rwanda was a place saturated with knowledge, learning, and networking opportunities. This year’s eLearning Africa, like its predecessors, presented an array of thematic conversations and cutting-edge technologies that are practical, timely, and relevant for Africa’s […]

Field Stories

With high costs and worker absenteeism associated with in-person trainings of health workers, can eLearning be the remedy?

By Valencia LYLE and Andrew MUHIRE, Rwandan Ministry of Health   When Rwandan health workers and Ministry of Health (MoH) staff require training, they frequently endure a disruption to their work schedules. Traditional, in-person trainings typically require staff to travel to a central location which is often far from their homes and workplaces. Furthermore, travel and room rental fees render in-person trainings costly.  In […]


Innovations in Humanitarian Learning

By John Nduri, Learning and Knowledge Management Advisor, Humanitarian Leadership Academy East Africa It is not debatable that humanitarian crises are widespread across the world, with African populations bearing the brunt of more recurrent and severe natural and man-made disasters. In contributing to preparedness and response, local, national and international humanitarian organisations have been involved in various ways for decades, which begs the question: […]


Internet for education in Africa

There is no doubt that the Internet is a powerful enabler for education as it provides access to information, different learning opportunities and new ideas that could contribute to both social and economic development. However, it is important to remember that well over half of the world’s population has no direct experience of using the Internet at all. In Africa, according to the latest […]

Field Stories

Why should we develop more Mobile Serious Games in Africa?

We all want to learn, but how can we make it more engaging for both the teacher and the learner? How to learn better? The best way to do it is through a game. Find out why developing mobile video games can be a solution to providing more access to education in Africa. A broad range of digital and non-digital games exists. Digital games are  […]