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“This house believes inclusivity is more important for Africa’s future than tradition”

When the past and the future come into conflict, it’s often the future that wins. The past is fragile by nature and easily swept away, yet it is often to a lost past that we look for inspiration in building the future. At the eLearning Africa Plenary Debate, this dispute will be played out as our four speakers lock horns over the motion “This […]

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Egypt’s Science and Tech Parks Outlook

Egypt has been known as the lighthouse of science and innovation in the world and a flag bearer of a civilization with a scientific and cultural heritage. Throughout history, Egyptian scientists have contributed to a variety of sciences, such as astronomy, chemistry, medicine and engineering. By AbdelRahman El-Sayed, Information Technology Industry Development Agency (ITIDA) Today, Egypt is a world-class venue for IT and business-process […]

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Today’s smart learning will build tomorrow’s smart society

Hamdan Bin Mohammed Smart University, the first certified e-University in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and a major advocate of the ‘smart learning’ concept, has been spurring an educational revolution locally and regionally through its sharp focus on innovation, critical thinking, challenging learners to go beyond their perceived limits, and rigorously pursuing knowledge with advanced thinking. This is a guest post from eLearning Africa […]

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Moodlerooms, technology for education beyond the LMS

Phillip Miller is the International Vice President of Open Source services at Blackboard. He has worked there and in Moodlerooms, Blackboard’s main open source product for education, for over ten years. Phillip works with 1,500 Moodle clients from all over the world and helps shape the roadmap of this open source platform so that these organisations can reach their teaching and learning goals. Open source means that each […]

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AUF’s innovative teaching practices

An international association of Francophone or partially Francophone universities and a standard setter in international university cooperation, the Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF) brings together more than 800 institutions in more than 100 countries on all continents. It works to support an area of scientific excellence that furthers the development of societies, and its ten regional offices direct its work in the field. […]

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Interview with H.E. Dr. Elham Mahmoud Ahmed Ibrahim

Commissioner for Infrastructure & Energy at the African Union Commission, H.E. Dr. Ibrahim has served in the academic research and electrical energy production for 33 years. As she’ll be keynoting at eLearning Africa 2016, we took the opportunity to catch up with her to discuss infrastructure, renewable energy and the future of African ICT. What effects does improved ICT infrastructure have on education? H.E. Dr. Ibrahim: […]

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Augmenting classroom practices with technology

eLearning has to transform education in Africa, but it can only do so if teachers are trained in how to integrate it into their curriculum. Solen Feyissa is a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Minnesota whose research focuses on learning technologies. He believes that in order for eLearning to thrive on the continent, it must make learners feel as if they are part […]

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What it takes to be an online learning designer

To design great online learning you need a number of skills. It’s a complex mixture of learning, media and technical skills. Donald Clark has spent 33 years in this business, designed and produced hundreds of online learning experiences and hired dozens of interactive designers and project managers. According to him, it takes about five years to get really good at this work, along with certain […]

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Unleashing ICTs for innovations and youth entrepreneurship

The African Development Bank (AfDB) has embraced a new approach to development that puts innovation at the centre in the delivery of Bank projects at both the staff and client levels. The Bank sees its role as not only that of a financier and policy advisor but also as a promoter of knowledge and innovation. By Foster N. Ofosu, Capacity Development Specialist. African Development […]


Remote online experimentation platform at the British University in Egypt (BUE)

Professor Hani Ghali, Centre for Emerging Learning Technologies CELT, BUE The noticeable progress of information and communication technologies and associated development tools, together with the availability of reliable internet connectivity, have created unlimited opportunities for eLearning activities. These have motivated teachers to think about new non-conventional interactive eLearning modes of teaching and associated learning activities. Amongst the numerous interactive learning activities, online experimentation is considered […]