Invest in Africa Now!, matching African project promoters and investors worldwide Invest in Africa Now! (IIAN) is a new private company which aims at matching African project promoters and investors. It uses a comprehensive approach – from scoping of interventions till investor feedback – aided by an online equity platform, advertising (TV, Digital and Print), a co-investment fund, and the organisation of investor meetings […]
Tag: Africa
EPICA. An ePortfolio for Students
No matter what age we’re at or position we’re in, we all have to face our own inadequacies from time to time. These are painful realisations. The trick is to get over them quickly. Otherwise, you risk losing the drive to try again. You have to keep on learning. It is a cruel irony that these realisations are so widespread among university graduates who […]
Gamification : Why do Game Developers and educators need to collaborate in Africa
Games are an effective and efficient instructional strategy for teaching and learning when they involved competition and are organized by rules to achieve an educational goal. Video games are a fun and safe environment, where students can try alternatives and see the consequences, learning from their own mistakes and practical experiences. Serious games have proven to be equally or even more effective than traditional […]
A digital intervention to literacy and numeracy for refugees and asylum seekers, Kakuma, Kenya
Along with the other arid and semi-arid lands, Turkana county has one of the lowest indicators of economic and social development in Kenya, with youth and women being the most affected. Across the county, youth not only face structural barriers to work but also deal with social and cultural blocks. This equally affects women and newly-arrived refugees. The key barriers hindering the absorption of […]
The Social and Economic Effects of Adult Literacy in Africa
To be able to make informed decisions, an essential skill to have is the ability to read and understand – as such, one must be literate be it in their mother-tongue or otherwise. To be well-informed comprises the aptitude to ask intelligent and relevant questions, engage in debate and ability to deduce knowledge from presented material. The absence of this skill means a person […]
“A prudent optimist”: President Ameenah Gurum-Fakim
When Dutch sailors first landed in Mauritius in 1598, they discovered an island paradise rich in lush, tropical vegetation and with abundant supplies of fresh water. They also famously found the dodo, which has been described as a “feathered tortoise,” a bird so fat that it could not fly. It provided an easy target and a ready supply of meat for even the most […]
Panel Talks Explore eLearning as a Tool to Secure Employability
Four comprehensive panel talks at this year’s eLearning Africa conference, taking place in Mauritius from September 27 to 29, will explore how technology enhanced learning can be used to develop useful and lifelong skills that are attractive to employers and reinforce learners’ employability. The thoughtfully devised sessions will examine how technology can be used across a wide range of education and training models to […]
Arms race to liberate Africa’s data
Open data could add up to $3 trillion worth of economic activity per year worldwide, according to a study by McKinsey Consultants. But in the race to liberate thousands of data-sets from the government and business sectors, the African continent is seen as lagging behind. “Nowhere is the need for better data more urgent than in most African countries,” says the Data for African […]
Infographic: #eLA top tweets
Throughout eLearning Africa 2014, social media was alive with eLearning chatter. See how far the messages reached and what the Twitter community had to say about speakers and events at this year’s conference.
eLearning Africa’s memorable keynote quotes
The plenary sessions from eLearning Africa 2014 included a mixture of inspiring stories and informative insight from a variety of world-class experts. Addressing topics crucial to Africa’s future; see what speakers had to say in our roundup of memorable keynote quotes.