Inaccessibility to education is an enduring issue that affects millions of people globally. The gap in education accessibility is particularly evident in developing countries, where poverty, inadequate infrastructure, and other socio-economic factors often limit the availability and quality of education. Lack of education poses a threat to opportunities for socioeconomic advancement by limiting innovation and productivity, creating a cycle of poverty, and contributing to […]
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Empowering the Future of Education: Presenting TooShare: Platinum Sponsor of eLearning Africa 2023
Senegal will host the most anticipated education conference on the continent. On May 24 – 26, 2023 at the Abdou Diouf International Conference Center (CICAD), many experts and guests from all over the world will meet in the capital of the country of Teranga. This year, the chosen theme is: “New learning model: Innovating to become sustainable, autonomous, equitable and resilient”. The panels, sessions, […]
Namecoach: Name Mispronunciations: Avoiding Microaggressions in Higher Education
“A person’s name is the sweetest and most important sound in any language.” – Dale Carnegie Why? Because our names are our identities. They’re the very foundation of who we are andeverything builds upon them. A small-scale Say My Name study by the British Academy recentlyfound that students see proper name pronunciation as a sign of respect, equality, and inclusivity.Imagine how students feel when […]
Senegal’s Transition to Renewable Energy and What This Will Mean for Employment Opportunities
During the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP27) in November 2022, H.E. Aissatou Sophie Gladima, Senegal’s Minister of Energy, shared the country’s plan to transition to renewable energy and cleaner gas-to-power. This strategy aligns with Senegal’s Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) goals of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 23% and increasing renewable energy to 30% of the country’s energy mix by 2030. By incorporating its […]
Taking the Lead: Digital Transformation in Learning and Assessment in Africa
The Covid-19 pandemic has had a profound impact on the education system globally, and Africa is no exception. In response to school closures and lockdowns, many African countries have accelerated their efforts to transition to digital learning. One significant way the pandemic has pushed Africa towards digital transformation in learning and assessment is by highlighting the need for remote assessment options. With traditional in-person […]
D-TEACH: Edtech/Learntech: The Impact of an Integrated Ecosystem. What Belgium and Africa Can Offer Each Other
What is the added value of online education and training? The seminar “Edtech/learntech: the impact of an integrated ecosystem. What Belgium and Africa can offer each other” is organized by d-teach from Belgium. The event reaches out to both the participants in the e-learning Africa conference and the academic and economic members of the high-level Belgian Economic Mission to Senegal, which is led by H.R.H. […]
The Many Faces of Digitalisation of Education
Satu Järvinen is the founder and CEO of SkillSafari. She is also a Doctoral Researcher at IMPDET (International Multidisciplinary PhD Studies in Educational Technology) at the University of Eastern Finland. Satu Järvinen is recognized as a key expert in developing and implementing innovative digital learning solutions for K12 education, especially in the field of skills development and teacher professional development. Her special area of […]
Extending & Accelerating Equitable & Sustainable Access to eLearning by Radically More Efficient Use of Internet Connections
Roger Clark, Head of Education Technology, ApplianSys. The digital divide between the connected and the unconnected remains. It has widened since the global pandemic. But when it comes to eLearning, there are surprising parallels in the connectivity problems faced by schools everywhere – both urban and rural, in both affluent and disadvantaged areas, on all continents. In January I returned to Washington DC to […]
Improving Educational Outcomes Through Satellite Connectivity
To be attributed to Debbie Mavis, Director, Avanti Communications Education is a fundamental human right. It shapes minds and lives, builds communities, and stimulates long-term economic growth. So many young people across the world do not have access to this right – without an education, life can be significantly limited. In our increasingly digital world, a huge barrier to education is a lack of […]
Introducing our first speakers for the eLearning Africa 2023 Conference in May, Dakar
Stay updated to discover an inspirational, multi-layered programme with over 100 speakers from different sectors that will guarantee to bring the overall 2023 conference theme “New Model Learning: Innovating to Become Sustainable, Self-Reliant, Equitable and Resilient” to life. Our speakers along with their themes for eLearning Africa, the leading Pan-African Conference & Exhibition on digital supported Education, Training & Skills Development, taking place in […]