Senegal, the host country of the Institute of La Francophonie for Education and Training (Institut de la Francophonie pour l’éducation et la formation (IFEF)), a specialized body of the International Organisation of la Francophonie (OIF), is hosting the 16th edition of the International Conference & Exhibition on ICT for Education, Training & Skills Development, eLearning Africa, from 24 to 26 May 2023, under the High patronage of the President of Senegal, H.E. Mr. Macky Sall.
IFEF has joined eLearning Africa, as a premium partner, for a first active participation through several events.
eLearning Africa will provide an opportunity to IFEF to share its knowledge and experience developed and recognised in the field of education, distance learning and the use of digital technology for innovative and appropriate solutions.
Convinced that the transformation of education in Africa will be achieved through close collaboration between governments, teachers, education professionals, international organisations and technology providers, IFEF’s participation in the eLearning Africa Conference marks an important step in this direction.
Different activities will be on the programme:
- Stand and exhibition space “La Francophonie”
Fun activities, including a presentation of the programmes around a breakfast at stand for the general public, innovative demonstrations and presentations of technological solutions without internet connection and/or accessible and affordable solutions.
- Round Table: “Transforming African Education Systems by 2030: Challenges and Opportunities”
A roundtable discussion entitled “Transforming African Education Systems to 2030: Challenges and Potentials” will bring together education experts to discuss the challenges facing African education systems, such as limited access to education, inadequate infrastructure, gaps in teacher training and problems related to student assessment. The round table will also examine the potential of digital technology to solve these problems and improve education in Africa.
- Ministerial Round Table
Representatives of the IOF and IFEF will participate in the ministerial roundtables where the major concerns and difficulties of education in the Francophone space will be highlighted and recommendations and perspectives for concrete solutions will be proposed.
- Panel discussions and presentations in the thematic sessions
Our programme specialists and experts will speak in several parallel thematic sessions on the Institute’s areas of expertise and intervention as well as its flagship programmes.
- Find out more about the IFEF’s programme for the three-day conference: www.ifef.francophonie.org
About eLearning Africa
eLearning Africa is an annual event that brings together education professionals, policy makers and technology providers from across Africa and the rest of the world. The aim is to discuss the latest trends and innovations in e-learning and distance education, as well as the challenges and opportunities for the future of education in Africa.