Tag: Africa


E-Learning for Kids Bridges The Educational Divide For Children Ages 5-12 With FREE Lessons And Partnerships In Africa

Access to computers and internet is growing in Africa – but high-quality educational courseware is still out of reach for many schools, parents and children.  The e-Learning for Kids Foundation (EFK), a global non-profit foundation dedicated to opening doors to education worldwide, has entered into many exciting partnerships with schools, organizations and non-profits throughout the African continent by making available their proven 800+ digital […]


The Next Frontier in Solving Africa’s Problems – eLearning

By Wycliffe Omanya, Plan International In an event with over a thousand delegates, 68 parallel sessions, 50 exhibition booths, and 18 sector representation, the 13th eLearning Africa conference in Kigali, Rwanda was a place saturated with knowledge, learning, and networking opportunities. This year’s eLearning Africa, like its predecessors, presented an array of thematic conversations and cutting-edge technologies that are practical, timely, and relevant for Africa’s […]


Innovations in Humanitarian Learning

By John Nduri, Learning and Knowledge Management Advisor, Humanitarian Leadership Academy East Africa It is not debatable that humanitarian crises are widespread across the world, with African populations bearing the brunt of more recurrent and severe natural and man-made disasters. In contributing to preparedness and response, local, national and international humanitarian organisations have been involved in various ways for decades, which begs the question: […]


Internet for education in Africa

There is no doubt that the Internet is a powerful enabler for education as it provides access to information, different learning opportunities and new ideas that could contribute to both social and economic development. However, it is important to remember that well over half of the world’s population has no direct experience of using the Internet at all. In Africa, according to the latest […]

Conference sneak preview

Improvisation: The Infrastructure of Communicating and Connecting

African music is the birthplace of what became jazz, and the essence of jazz is improvisation. And since the 1990s, American businesses have been turning to improvisation (improv) training centres for help with team building and communication. But is there really a connection between improvisation and ICT for education, training, and skills development in Africa? Though the link is not direct, it definitely exists […]

Conference sneak preview

AfDB Special Session: Scaling Up ICT for Education, Capacity Development and Knowledge Dissemination

Despite considerable advances, many Africans lack the capacities to take advantage of the unique opportunities that will accompany what is known as the Fourth Industrial Revolution. ITC provides tools that can support faster growth and help increase prosperity. Public-private cooperation and smart public policy are required to deploy ITCs in a way that fosters education, qualification programmes, and learning in general. This session will […]


Educating Women for a Changing Planet

It’s no secret that educating women and girls is critical to sustainable development, economic growth, environmental stewardship, and a host of other factors key to humanity’s future. Educated women have more agency, marry later, and have fewer, and healthier, children. They are more resilient to economic and environmental shocks. The benefits of educating girls and women are clear. But what if we could do […]

Conference sneak preview

‘Fourth Industrial Revolution’: Africa’s Opportunity or a Catastrophe in Waiting?

The world is heading towards a ‘fourth industrial revolution, according to technology experts. But is this good or bad news for Africans? Does it signify the approach of a new age of opportunity, in which Africa will leapfrog its competitors, or is it more likely to be a disaster in which jobs are lost, traditional industries are destroyed and Africa enters a new age […]