Amid concern that, in the rush to embrace globalisation and the opportunities offered by new technologies, insufficient attention is being paid to local conditions and traditional African knowledge, Hon. Yogida Sawmynaden and Hon. Leela Devi Dookun-Luchoomun will join international experts at eLearning Africa to stress the importance of context in African education. The Mauritian Minister of ICT, Hon. Yogida Sawmynaden, and Minister of Education […]
Recent news
The African view of Silicon Valley
We hear a great deal about imaginative new schemes, often championed by Europeans or Americans, that promise to transform the lives of Africans. The education sector is no stranger to them. Often they are well intentioned and achieve spectacular results; sometimes they are the opposite. But what do Africans think about them? In a special debate at this year’s eLearning Africa conference, we will […]
Ministers make for Mauritius
African Education and ICT ministers will be heading for Mauritius at the end of September for eLearning Africa, the continent’s largest conference on technology-assisted learning and training. The ministers will take part in the annual Ministerial Round Table at the conference and the agenda for the event shows that there is likely to be a lively discussion about fundamental issues affecting the future of […]
SPIDER partners with UNAD to Digitalise Ugandan Sign Language
Since its inception in 2004, SPIDER (Swedish Programme for ICTs in Developing Regions) has recognised education as a fundamental human right that enables people to take part in society and lift themselves out of poverty. Education in low-resource settings is generally underfunded. This becomes more apparent as students in need of special accommodations go without their requirements being met, thus preventing them from accessing […]
Mauritius Country Profile
The first Europeans to have visited Mauritius were the Portuguese at the beginning of the sixteenth century. In 1598, a Dutch naval expedition landed in a sheltered bay on a volcanic island in the Indian Ocean. Its members decided to name the island after the fleet’s main vessel, the “Mauritius”, which in turn had been named after Holland’s Prince Maurits van Nassau. They introduced […]
Critical Skills Gaps: Salah-Eddine Kandri Speaks on the Future of the Job Market in Africa
A World Bank report from 2014 suggested that as many as 11 million young people in Africa will be joining the job market every year for the next decade. For long-term economic growth, investment in a highly skilled workforce is hugely important. But where are the critical skills gaps in Africa today? And, more importantly, how can we fill them? These are just some […]
Top tweets from #eLA16
In the lead-up, during and after eLearning Africa 2016, the eLA16 hashtag was alive with thousands of people sharing their ideas, opinions and favourite conference moments. See how far the messages reached and who said what in our graphic of #eLA16 top tweets.
German Science Centre Cairo highlights the benefits of university-community outreach
Science and research are never ends in themselves but rather serve as platforms for connecting with the broader community. In a globalised world with new technical solutions, this not only means serving the immediate community but operating across national boundaries. A perfect example is the FU Berlin’s Ilajnafsy project, which provides web-based psychological interventions for traumatised individuals in the Middle East. The German Science […]
German Development Cooperation: Promoting the Use of ICT for Refugee Education
It was not a coincidence that this year’s eLearning Africa was held under the patronage of the German Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development, Dr. Gerd Müller. 2016 is the year of digital education in Germany! This year, the German Government has declared digital education a priority of its national Digital Agenda. German Development Cooperation has also recognized the high potential of ICT […]
SPHEIR: driving innovation for higher education reform
The UK’s Department for International Development (DFID) has recently launched the SPHEIR programme – Strategic Partnerships for Higher Education Innovation and Reform. This is backed by £45m of UK-government funds and aims to transform aspects of higher education in low-income countries. It will support approximately twelve multi-actor partnerships to improve access, quality, relevance and affordability of higher education over an initial five-year period. Its […]