The eLearning Africa Debate 2011 – it certainly was not the typical end to a conference! The debate reflected the nature of the eLearning Africa community: a passionate, informed discussion from a community that is diverse in perspective but united in its commitment to use technology to improve education. This year, the eLA Debate wrestled with the issue of the Open Educational Resources movement […]
Recent news
AeRC Kenya: IT Governance Training Online
Some 1300 students from 27 countries across Africa have been trained by the African eDevelopment Resource Center (AeRC). The organisation, which is based in Nairobi, Kenya, is one of East Africa’s most renowned IT training institutions. From June onwards, AeRC will be offering a large proportion of its IT Governance training courses online.
More Africans learn by mobile phone
The eLearning Africa 2011 conference highlighted the worldwide phenomenon of distance learning by mobile phone. There are more than 500 million mobile phone subscribers in Africa now, up from 246 million in 2008, according to industry estimates.
Unleashing Web 2.0 for African education
Experts on Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) in Africa have challenged African universities and other learning institutions to adopt Web 2.0 technologies and use social media for teaching. At eLearning Africa 2011, they agreed that institutions can reduce running costs, mobilise learning resources and expand research capacity with social media.
ICT buses delivering the Internet to rural Rwanda
A pioneering mobile ICT project launched in Rwanda barely two years ago is changing lives in the central African nation, now striving to become a leading ICT hub. Rwanda has made an almost miraculous recovery from the genocide of 1994 that claimed at least 800,000 lives and left millions displaced. The World Bank is funding a fleet of special ICT buses.
eLearning Africa mountaineers raise scholarship funding
The EAST Challenge took place shortly before the eLearning Africa conference this year. Dr Harold Elletson of the United Kingdom and Fatou Ndiaye of Senegal spearheaded the trek up Mount Meru in Tanzania, Africa’s fourth highest mountain, as part of an effort to raise money from friends, family and eLA supporters for scholarships for low-income African educators to attend eLearning Africa. eLearning Africa would […]
“Innovation and investment in innovation will help grow Africa”
Microsoft has been involved in eLearning and ICT for development in Africa in a variety of ways for many years, be it in ‘Training the trainer’ workshops for teachers, in eGovernment initiatives or in the development of new technologies. Here, Mark Matunga, Education Manager for Microsoft East & Southern Africa (ESA) speaks about the significant progress that has been made in Africa, persisting barriers […]
How high-speed Internet is boosting economic growth in Africa
In the Ghanaian capital Accra, one government minister takes questions from citizens via Facebook. One journalist in Kenya uses his smart phone to e-mail breaking news instantly from a corporate press conference; his announcements affect share prices on the Nairobi Stock Exchange. Technology is rapidly changing Africa, and at the forefront of this change is rising access to broadband Internet. Broadband is even more […]
Promoting farming to young people in Tanzania – a most welcome idea
It is an undeniable fact that agriculture is the mainstay of Tanzania’s economy, employing about 85 percent of the labour force. Tanzania still relies on small-scale subsistence agriculture based on traditional practices, failing to take full advantage of commercial initiatives. Poverty in rural areas is forcing thousands of young people to leave their homes for urban areas. The forthcoming eLearning Africa […]
‘Jenerali on Thursday’ – political commentator and ex-TV host at eLearning Africa
One of the liveliest speakers in the plenary session at this year’s eLearning Africa is likely to be Mr Jenerali Ulimwengu. Well known in Tanzania and throughout East Africa as the host of a popular television talk show ‘Jenerali on Monday,’ Mr Ulimwengu is also a media mogul and the Chairman of Raia Mwema, a political newspaper.