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Conference sneak preview

Back to Benin: A look back at eLearning Africa 2012

With preparations for eLearning Africa 2013 in Windhoek, Namibia underway, we are taking a brief pause to look back at the conference held in May of this year. Each year, the conference relocates to a different African country, reflecting the desire to engage the whole continent in debate and discussion about how to support and improve the education process through technologies – this year […]

Conference sneak preview

Namibia country profile

Throughout its seven years, eLearning Africa has travelled the length and breadth of the African continent, from Addis Ababa, Nairobi and Dar es Salaam in the East all the way to Accra, Dakar and Cotonou in the West and Lusaka in the South. This variety of locations affords different perspectives and diverse cultural contexts within which critical conversations on the evolution of eLearning in […]

Field Stories

Figureheads of development: women’s roles in Africa’s technology industry

Innovation and social entrepreneurship are taking off in a big way in Africa and huge progress is being made, especially when it comes to the growing community of women embracing technology in Africa. Change is happening rapidly, but what effects will this have on the Continent’s numerous traditions and cultures? Next year’s eLearning Africa conference will examine the crossroads of tradition, change and innovation.


Finding the sweet spot: open educational resources in the developing world

With debate about the benefits and future of the MOOC dominating the educational blogosphere in the last year, discussions about the open sharing of educational resources are becoming more prevalent. Open Educational Resources, or OERs, offer a potential tool for impacting education in developing countries and fast growing economies, particularly in the emerging technology hubs of Africa. These open, freely available educational resources can […]


Crowdsourcing: is the African continent a step ahead?

Can it be an asset for educational projects on the continent? The African continent is certainly in a good position to utilise knowledge and skills sourced through or funded by a “crowd”, as it can rely on a strong link between tradition and innovation. Whether to provide help in times of economic hardships or to demonstrate common solidarity with the community, alternative or complementary […]

Conference sneak preview

The Call for Proposals for eLearning Africa 2013 is open until 16 January, 2013!

In order to foster successful conversations that get to the heart of the topic of eLearning in Africa, the global conference eLearning Africa is calling for a wide range of proposals. Under the broader heading of “Tradition, Change & Innovation”, eLearning Africa is inviting proposals that are linked to the following sub-themes: The Present – Innovation and Learning Under the African Sky; The Past […]


What community radio can do for education in Africa

Radio broadcasting is a powerful tool that enables communication to many isolated rural villages and towns in developing countries. For many of these rural communities, radio broadcasts are often the only effective way to solicit important information to a large audience.  Most recently in Uganda, community operated educational programmes are being broadcast to remote localities in an effort to reach students that have limited […]