Conference sneak preview

Conference sneak preview

Improvisation: The Infrastructure of Communicating and Connecting

African music is the birthplace of what became jazz, and the essence of jazz is improvisation. And since the 1990s, American businesses have been turning to improvisation (improv) training centres for help with team building and communication. But is there really a connection between improvisation and ICT for education, training, and skills development in Africa? Though the link is not direct, it definitely exists […]

Conference sneak preview

AfDB Special Session: Scaling Up ICT for Education, Capacity Development and Knowledge Dissemination

Despite considerable advances, many Africans lack the capacities to take advantage of the unique opportunities that will accompany what is known as the Fourth Industrial Revolution. ITC provides tools that can support faster growth and help increase prosperity. Public-private cooperation and smart public policy are required to deploy ITCs in a way that fosters education, qualification programmes, and learning in general. This session will […]

Conference sneak preview

‘Fourth Industrial Revolution’: Africa’s Opportunity or a Catastrophe in Waiting?

The world is heading towards a ‘fourth industrial revolution, according to technology experts. But is this good or bad news for Africans? Does it signify the approach of a new age of opportunity, in which Africa will leapfrog its competitors, or is it more likely to be a disaster in which jobs are lost, traditional industries are destroyed and Africa enters a new age […]

Conference sneak preview Field Stories

How Schools-Focused Tech Can Fix Africa’s Connectivity Problem

After attending e-Learning Africa 2017, ApplianSys Director of Technology Roger Clark set out to document how modern network technology can transform African connectivity and accelerate e-Learning rollout. Following an extensive study of network traffic patterns in connected classrooms in 12 countries, Roger is joining the 2018 conference to share insights from that research, but here’s a foretaste.   African nations are on a journey […]

Conference sneak preview Opinions

From ‘Kinky Boots’ to Kigali: How a Broadway Producer is Bringing Storytelling Back into Learning

By Harold Elletson There are certain professions, which seem somehow linked to the stage, even if the connection is only in the minds of those who practise them. Politics, for example, has been described as “show business for ugly people.” The law is full of exhibitionist types who would have been just as happy in greasepaint, as in a wig and gown. And the […]

Conference sneak preview Trends

The ATOE project and the African Union’s Pan-Africanist Agenda 2063 – ICTs to help revive African identity

By Mbombog and Chief Gaston Donnat BAPPA ba Matimbhe, Cameroon Africa will unite despite the obstacles it has faced for many centuries with the Pan-Africanism movement as a foundation. The effort to achieve this unity encompasses the need for Africans at home and in diasporas around the world to go back to their roots, sources, customs, and traditions as well as to regain and embrace […]

Conference sneak preview Opinions

John Gushit eLA testimonial

I attended the eLearning Africa conference, organized by ICWE, for the first time in Benin in 2012 as a participant. During the conference, I had the opportunity to meet with various professionals and experts in the field of ICT, as well as with other people who make use of ICT platforms to implement research and developmental projects in various regions of Africa. The experience […]

Conference sneak preview Trends

Microlearning to Address Skills Gaps in Africa

By Ferhana Dostmohamed The skills gaps in Africa are an immediate problem. “Employers across the region already identify inadequately skilled workforces as a major constraint to their businesses, including 41% of all firms in Tanzania, 30% in Kenya, 9% in South Africa and 6% in Nigeria. This pattern may get worse in the future. In South Africa alone, 39% of core skills required across […]

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In Profile – Dr Mamphela Ramphele

Nelson Mandela said that “education is the key to everything.” It is a view shared by a woman who played an important part in his struggles and is keen now for Africa to build on his legacy. Dr Mamphela Ramphele is, without doubt, one of Africa’s most inspirational and successful women. She has a range and breadth of experience that is quite astonishing. A […]

Conference sneak preview

Joining efforts for the integration of technology in education: Sudan Case

As an education consultant, Hala worked in several projects that obliged her to her travel outside of Khartoum. She saw schools with no roofs and no chairs. In fact, these were schools with nothing but very bright students whose eyes glowed as they regarded the lady from Khartoum who spoke Arabic in a accent they did not understand. Coming back to Khartoum always reinforced […]