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Digital project heralds new dawn for African libraries

Digital libraries can open up more ways for research, teaching and broader public discussion in Africa hopes Dr. Siro Masinde, who works as the Regional Coordinator for Aluka, a non-for-profit initiative that is building a digital library with emphasis on primary source materials from and about Africa. Africa has its own rich natural and cultural heritage as well as traditional knowledge and information systems […]


Towards a different ICT pedagogy for Africa

By Vincent Kizza, Uganda Many years back at university, we were extremely excited about the various instructional pedagogies such as lectures, discussion, discovery, etc. However, when many of us went to the field, we soon realised that there was a big trade-off between adapting some of these methodologies and the pressure to complete the extensive syllabus. We were left with no alternative than to […]


Mobilising resources for quality education – Interview with Mercy Sila, Director General of the Tanzania Education Authority (TEA) from the United Republic of Tanzania

  Mercy Sila is currently Director General of the Tanzania Education Authority (TEA) and is responsible for managing and ensuring the sustainability of the Education Fund by mobilising and soliciting revenue and utilising the Fund to finance education projects to supplement government efforts toward improving the of quality of and equitable access to education in the country. She is an accountant and registered as […]


Current, accurate and trustworthy information for medical staff

Dr Bernard Lown started SATELLIFE with the idea of putting satellite receiving stations in universities and medical schools in developing countries around the world in order to provide medical professionals with the scientific and clinical research they needed to stay current in their fields. SATELLIFE was able to reach agreements with the most significant publishers of peer-reviewed medical journals to transmit relevant information via […]


Towards an African research agenda for ICTs in education – Interview with Dr Thierry Karsenti

  Thierry Karsenti, M.A., M.Ed., Ph.D., is Director of the Interuniversity Research Centre on Education and the Teaching Profession (CRIFPE). He is the Director, with Kathryn Touré (ERNWACA), of the Panafrican Research Agenda on the Pedagogical Integration of ICT. Besides holding the Canada Research Chair in ICT in Education, Professor Karsenti is also a Full Professor at the University of Montreal. His field is […]


Towards an African research agenda for ICTs in education – Interview with Dr Thierry Karsenti

  Thierry Karsenti, M.A., M.Ed., Ph.D., is Director of the Interuniversity Research Centre on Education and the Teaching Profession (CRIFPE). He is the Director, with Kathryn Touré (ERNWACA), of the Panafrican Research Agenda on the Pedagogical Integration of ICT. Besides holding the Canada Research Chair in ICT in Education, Professor Karsenti is also a Full Professor at the University of Montreal. His field is […]


Mobile Learning – A Bit Different

There are 18,000 refugees currently living in the Mwange refugee camp. Apart from a library, schools, a clinic run by the Zambian Red Cross and several community activities, the camp offers a computer centre with 10 laptops. Francis Numbi, who works full-time as the co-ordinator and trainer at the lab, names lack of Internet access at the Mwange refugee camp as the biggest gap […]

Field Stories

Kenyan teacher embraces eLearning

By Reuben Kyama, Nairobi The integration of information and communication technology (ICT) into education systems has captured the imagination of many teachers in Africa. The concept helps students to study through new emerging techniques of learning rather than with the traditional classroom methods. It involves learning through electronic devices and applications, like computer materials, over a local area network or on the Internet – […]


Interview with Prof Clement Dzidonu, President, AIT – the University of the future

Clement Dzidonu is President of AIT-The University of the Future, Accra. He is a member of the Council of the Informatics Development Institute, Ireland and a Senior Research Fellow of the International Institute of Information Technology (INIIT). He has also taught and conducted research at several renowned universities abroad and worked for a number of information-and- communication-technology-related projects and initiatives in Europe and Africa. […]