
Oracle simplifies African high school student administration

Oracle has developed a software solution that is simple to use, fast to deploy and free to use and distribute to effectively manage student administration. The Oracle School Express (OSE) is a data capturing and reporting tool that enables school administrators to capture student statistics such as registrations, attendance, marks and school fees. The solution will run on a standard PC enabling the schools and districts to “plug and play” into a larger database at a later stage.

Using Oracle Application Express, Oracle School Express has been built by a dynamic team at company’s South African office. It is a powerful development tool, designed for rapid development of database-centric web applications.

Oracle Application Express turns an Oracle database into an online development service, allowing anyone with a web browser to create reporting and data entry applications quickly without requiring professional programming skills.

“A software solution like this enables educators to efficiently run their schools allowing them to focus on the delivery of education rather than the administrating of education” said Nyasha Mutsekwa, Oracle Business Development Manager.

With an estimated 150 000 learners and teachers having been engaged over the past 24 months through the NEPAD e-Schools Demonstration Project, Oracle e-Schools vision is to create and implement the best ICT-enabled education system that empowers its users – educators and administrators, from primary schools through to private employee training centers – to embrace the Information Age.

This solution will be made available for the next year at no- cost to interested schools in Africa, through the website or by contacting Nyasha Mutsekwa on +27 11 266 4000.

At eLearning Africa, Bernie Trilling, Senior Director of the Oracle Education Foundation (OEF), will speak about 21st century learning skills and preparing students for work and life in a global economy. “Combining the effective use of technology, a collaborative project approach to learning, an emphasis on innovation and creativity and teachers and parents committed to learning in this 21st Century approach, are what is needed now”, says Trilling.

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