Recent news

Eve Obara

The future is digital, says Kenya Literature Bureau CEO

  Kenya Literature Bureau (KLB) is one of the largest publishing houses in East Africa. In 2009 , the state corporation broke new ground by launching eBooks on the local market ahead of any of the other players in the business. eLearning Africa had the opportunity to talk with Eve Obara, KLB’s Chief Executive Officer, about the recent changes in educational publishing, the boom […]


To Be Young, Unemployed and African in UNICEF’s ‘Age of Opportunity’

On February 25, 2011, the day Egyptian agitators used eMail, Twitter and Facebook to bring tens of thousands of teenage demonstrators into Tahrir Square for a synchronised demonstration with Egyptian and Tunisian flags, UNICEF published its new report on adolescence suggesting that Information Communications Technologies could help save young people from being ‘left adrift by globalization’. Their report foresaw falling fertility rates in low-income […]

Tarkan Maner

Tarkan Maner on thin solutions and ‘fat’ PCs

  He is a man with a mission: Tarkan Maner, President and CEO of Wyse Technology, the global provider of cloud client computing hardware, software and solutions. It is his true conviction that cloud client solutions democratise technology. Unlike ‘fat’ PCs which are expensive and require a lot of maintenance, Wyse’s thin, zero or cloud devices do not store data – all files and […]

Conference sneak preview

Professor Sugata Mitra to deliver keynote speech at eLearning Africa 2011

Sugata Mitra is currently Professor of Educational Technology at Newcastle University. Considered a pioneer in his field, Professor Mitra is best known for his “Hole In The Wall” experiment, whereby he studied the potential of minimally invasive education by placing an Internet-enabled PC in the wall of an Indian slum, leaving it there for anyone to use. In this interview, Professor Mitra helps us […]

Field Stories

AVU launches online Open Education Resources portal

The African Virtual University (AVU) launched the interactive Open Education Resources portal OER@AVU in January this year. The portal can be accessed at and contains quality resources developed together with twelve universities in ten African countries. The resources are released under the Creative Commons open licence. Through the portal, AVU will enable academics throughout the African Continent and beyond to share, distribute and disseminate […]


China’s mighty telecom footprint in Africa

  China plays a major role financing and supplying telecom and ICT equipment to Africa, a precondition for eLearning. Chinese companies have broken the monopoly of Western telecom giants in Africa, helped to bring down charges and contributed to the triumphal success of mobile phones on the continent. They have also donated educational communications hardware worth millions of dollars. However, China’s engagement has attracted […]

Dr Dinah Mwinzi

Smart ideas for economic growth – an interview with Dr Dinah Mwinzi

The Kenyan Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports is currently constructing one hundred greenhouses in various Youth Polytechnics across the country so that students can be trained in greenhouse farming. This is one of the measures undertaken by the Ministry in order to plug the skills gap among the country’s young people. “For Kenya to develop, we need technicians, technologists and engineers,” says Dr […]

EAST Challenge
Conference sneak preview

eLearning Africa is taking to the hills!

In May this year, just before the eLearning Africa conference, a diverse group of eLearning professionals from across the globe will join their African colleagues to climb Mount Meru, in Tanzania, as part of the EAST Challenge. The aim of the challenge is to raise scholarship funding for low-income African teachers and education professionals to attend the eLearning Africa conference in Dar es Salaam […]


TIGA Awards 2011: celebrating excellence in eGovernment

The United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) and the Government of Finland have announced the third Technology in Government in Africa (TIGA) Awards for 2011. These awards recognise African governments’ effective use of ICTs for public services. One of the awards – in the category on Improved Educational Services Through the Use of ICTs – is organised jointly with the eLearning Africa Conference […]

Field Stories

iCow: transforming animal husbandry in Kenya

Young technology entrepreneurs led by Sue Kahumbu and Charles Kithika have developed a pioneering voice-based mobile phone application called “iCow” that helps farmers to manage the breeding cycles of their dairy cows.The application handles dairy cow nutrition up to calving day, using prompts by the mobile phones now widespread in Kenya, even used by illiterate farmers. The pilot project won the “Apps4Africa” contest organised […]