Recent news


Open Access Nairobi

The Open Access movement appears to be gaining ground, with the oldest and largest university in Kenya, the University of Nairobi, having adopted an Open Access policy in December 2012. The need for change had been heavily emphasised by researchers who concluded that an Open Access policy would allow them the opportunity and platform to promote their academic work and enhance the visibility and […]

Field Stories

Success 4 Africa

Fernando de Sousa is the General Manager of Africa Initiatives, a Microsoft effort focusing on the African continent which has involved the release of the ‘Huawei 4Afrika’ Windows 8 smartphone and the creation of the ‘Afrika Academy’ to teach Africans important business and entrepreneurial skills.  De Sousa spoke to the eLearning Africa news service about the work 4Afrika has done in the region.


UNESCO Mobile Learning Week 2013: Scratching the surface

The recently hosted UNESCO Mobile Learning Week (MLW) 2013 set out to answer three vital questions: how can mobile technologies support literacy development for both children and adults? How can they support teachers and their professional development, to ensure quality education is delivered to all students? And how can mobile technologies contribute to gender equality and extend opportunities to women and girls? A series […]

Field Stories

Morocco: an uncertain leader in youth employment

In this year’s African Economic Outlook (AEO) report, Morocco was identified as the only country in Africa with a “well developed” youth unemployment programme.[i] On the surface it appears that the Moroccan government must be doing something right. Perhaps Morocco can offer an example for others to follow, but 2012 headlines featuring desperate unemployed graduates and self-immolation tell a radically different story. The eLearning […]


Traditions in Ndjock-Nkong

Gaston Bappa: There are slight particularities and differences in traditions between clans of the same tribe. My village, Ndjock-Nkong, is of the Basaa tribe in Cameroon. There are a lot of traditions in the village. They are what maintains life there. Without traditions, no life is possible in many African villages, as people are poor in many of them. Here is the main set […]


Gaston Bappa on his village, Ndjock-Nkong

Ndjock-Nkong is the name of my village. It is situated in the litoral region of Cameroon, Sanaga Maritime division. The village is in a heavily forested zone, with a great and long rainy season. The population numbers fewer than 300 people. It has been decreasing because of remoteness. Its community is one of a larger clan called Ndog-Nem, which has six sub-clans in four […]


Cameroon’s chiefs in law

The Cameroonian administration has organised and defined the traditional chief’s institution in a decree from the Head of State dated 15 July 1977. Here are the due disposals, as they are stated in it: -Article 19 : Under the authority of the Minister of Territorial Administration, the role of traditional leaders is to assist the administrative authorities in their task of coaching populations. -Article […]

Conference sneak preview

The eLearning Africa 2013 Survey – Take part until the 20th of February 2013 – your opinion counts

The growing success of the annual eLearning Africa conference is a testament to the widespread energy and innovation fuelling the education and ICT sectors on the Continent. However, enthusiasm and interest alone are not enough to drive policy change or encourage investors. 2013 marks the second year of the ground-breaking eLearning Africa Survey gathering opinions and data on the African         […]