Recent news


Cameroon’s chiefs in law

The Cameroonian administration has organised and defined the traditional chief’s institution in a decree from the Head of State dated 15 July 1977. Here are the due disposals, as they are stated in it: -Article 19 : Under the authority of the Minister of Territorial Administration, the role of traditional leaders is to assist the administrative authorities in their task of coaching populations. -Article […]

Conference sneak preview

The eLearning Africa 2013 Survey – Take part until the 20th of February 2013 – your opinion counts

The growing success of the annual eLearning Africa conference is a testament to the widespread energy and innovation fuelling the education and ICT sectors on the Continent. However, enthusiasm and interest alone are not enough to drive policy change or encourage investors. 2013 marks the second year of the ground-breaking eLearning Africa Survey gathering opinions and data on the African         […]

Field Stories

Africa’s digital busy bees

These networks of geeks – IT experts (1) who are building, sharing, instructing and innovating – aim to pollinise the Continent with digital know-how (3) without necessarily needing to wait for funding from initiatives of governments and international organisations. By Philippe Royer


Boosting mobile learning potential for women and girls in Africa: lingering considerations

During the past five years at least five major mobile learning initiatives have been implemented in Africa that sought to directly benefit women and girls, or which included women and girls and provided some evidence of benefits to them. The Jokko Initiative (Senegal), Project ABC (Niger), the Somali Youth Livelihoods Project (Somalia), Nokia Life Tools (Nigeria), and M4Girls (South Africa) are interventions that used […]


Educating women and girls: is this the key to meeting the Millennium Development Goals?

The Millennium Development Goals have come under critical fire for engaging with social issues in a largely statistical manner. The targets and indicators used to measure progress tend to be more quantitative than qualitative, failing to take into account the stories, complexities and experiences behind the statistics, particularly when it comes to the continuing prevalence of gender inequality. eLearning Africa will offer participants the chance […]


What matters is government policy on creating local open educational resources

Open Educational Resources (OER) are seen as a solution to the dire lack of access to quality education across the world, especially in Africa. Activity surrounding open licensing and open access to education content has increased exponentially since the term OER was coined in 2001, catalysed by strong advocates for open resource sharing, especially in Africa. However, a host of issues remain open for […]


The Post-2015 Development Agenda: time to learn and connect

With the 2015 deadline of the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) fast approaching, governments and organisations across the world are looking towards the next step. Introspection is a necessary part of the process as both the successes and failures of the original MDG agenda are being assessed and dissected, providing captivating accounts on both sides. The eLearning Africa news service has been following developments and […]

Field Stories

Announcing – Global Innovation Lounge at re:publica

In 2012 Mark Kaigwa introduced the “Silicon Savannah”, Africa’s dynamic and innovative technology scene, to Berlin during his keynote at re:publica.  Technology innovation hubs, like the iHub in Nairobi where Mark Kaigwa lives, are mushrooming around the continent and are playing a central role in the fledgling tech and entrepreurial scene in Africa.


Getting healthcare online in Africa

The accessibility of healthcare has had a major boost from technology in the last ten years with the development of communication systems that can deliver relevant information to practitioners with minimum fuss. Nowhere is this as important as in Africa, where there is a large gap in healthcare service provision between rural and urban areas and there is a major shortage of qualified healthcare […]