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African Libraries under Threat

The Latin poet Horace famously brags that his book of Odes is “a monument more lasting than bronze”. It is certainly pleasant to believe that an author’s ideas can live on in print after his death, according him a certain measure of immortality: the sight, however, of a shelf of crumbling paperbacks is enough to shake the firmest faith in the durability of the […]

Conference sneak preview

Le challenge EAST 2013 : randonnée au sommet du Brandberg Königstein !

Chers aventuriers, eLearning Africa Scholarship Trust (EAST) a le plaisir de vous dévoiler les détails du challenge EAST 2013. Chaque année, EAST accorde des bourses aux ressortissants africains aux faibles revenus afin qu’ils participent à eLearning Africa. Collecter des fonds pour couvrir les frais des nombreux candidats nécessite des efforts considérables. Aussi, pour atteindre cet objectif, nous avons organisé le challenge EAST – une […]

Conference sneak preview

Technology Innovation Hubs in Africa: Creating Opportunities for Peer Learning and Knowledge Exchange

As hotspots for local IT communities, innovation hubs provide powerful opportunities for social innovation and community empowerment. But how can hubs ensure that all their activities, including community building, tools, services and workshops pay their way and help to build sustainable replicable environments for local empowerment? Join participants involved in hubs all across the Continent at this eLearning Africa pre-conference workshop to exchange knowledge, […]

Conference sneak preview

Powering classroom learning with Dell cloud client computing

Classroom technology can transform the learning experience. With Dell cloud client computing you’ll discover how to use it to meet your goal of raising education standards.  How? Dell cloud client computing understands what technology is beneficial to have in the classroom – and what’s not. Just by moving complex technology and management away from the classroom, leaves you with powerful easy-to use class computers […]


Iyadunni Olubode on LEAP

LEAP’s target audience are essentially youth and business owners. We reach our audience primarily through training programmes and our published resources which both support the cultivation of personal leadership as well as community and organisational leadership. To date, LEAP has over 9 publications, which serve as tools to support personal and organisational leadership development. Our youth programmes focus on the development of leadership and […]


More than meets the eye: In conversation with Mark Kaigwa

Mark Kaigwa is a digital strategist, consultant, speaker, writer and self-proclaimed ”power networker.” Nairobi-based Mark makes it his business to keep absolutely up to date with the developments of the technology and communications sectors and uses his expert knowledge to help businesses, start-ups and non-profits to launch into the thrilling environment of African entrepreneurialism. Ahead of his keynote speech at eLearning Africa 2013, we […]

Field Stories

Education in refugee camps

ICT has become an essential tool for humanitarian aid work, and its role in both education and healthcare throughout sub-Saharan Africa is indispensable: particularly its use in educating large groups of young refugees, from diverse backgrounds and with varying levels of basic education and literacy. The eLearning Africa News Service took a look at the inspiring way ICT is being put to use in […]


Building lasting bridges: Good and bad eGovernment strategies in Africa

The successful implementation of ICT in governmental operations can help to bridge a gap between citizens and governments by promoting transparency and a more citizen-friendly style of government. When used effectively, eGovernment can act as a catalyst toward sustainable development and help to build and stabilise economies. However, technology is not the solution in itself, and governments need to think about exactly how to […]


Reaching Africa’s remotest

The development of Africa’s communications infrastructure reflects many of the complexities inherent in the situation of the Continent. Any examination of it must deal with matters of scale: the Internet is a fractal network spread over vast and minute distances, linking landmasses, countries, towns, villages and people across the world. On the continental level, there are the satellites and the undersea cables which, since […]