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Opinions Trends

(R)Evolution of Education

By Mayank Dhingra

Thanks to the impact of the pandemic, Education is going through a period of ‘creative destruction’ or what is termed as ‘Schumpeter’s Gale’ by economists. The sector is being assailed by incredible external and internal forces that are catalysing innovation.

The effect can be demarked into two separate categories […]


DeAfrica Honoured by UPCEA

UPCEA has served leading public and private colleges and universities in North America for more than 100 years. From its headquarters in Washington, D.C., it strives to build awareness of the vital link between contemporary learners and public policy issues. Given UPCEA’s renown, Nairobi-based Distance Education for Africa (DeAfrica) was extremely gratified to be selected as the organisation’s 2021 South Region Programs for Special […]

Opinions Trends

Cybersecurity can no longer be an afterthought: Why having a cyber governance strategy is essential for today’s organisations!

Managing cyber risk is no longer something that can be covered with interesting questions from corporate execs and general presentations from the CIO a couple of times a year. Beyond the brutal fact that a ransomware attack can lay an organisaton lame for months and cost a fortune to survive, the chaos caused by cyber attacks has led to the establishment of an ISO […]


eLearning Africa is delighted to be a partner of the African Higher Education in Emergencies Network (AHEEN)

The African Higher Education in Emergencies Network (AHEEN) grew out of a challenge grant in 2020 to “design an African solution to the African problem of limited higher education access by refugees and IDPs on the continent”. Following a year of research and mapping studies the AHEEN was launched in the autumn of 2020 with a core of member universities in the largest refugee-hosting […]

Field Stories

A moment in time. Uganda Kayanga District

by Pauline McLeod “I want to read, I want to read.” Three P1 and 2 children were knocking on the door at 9.00am in the morning. Not yet fully dressed these three children had come from the nearby village and were outside Maligita Primary School Office. They wanted access to the  books in the library and to read on the tablets. Maligita Primary School […]


Culturally Proficient Professional Learning: A new lens to look at professional learning and enhance learning transfer

By Dr Corinne Brion
Lindsey et al. (2018) define culture as “everything you believe and everything you do that enables you to identify with people who are like you and that distinguishes you from people who differ from you (p.29). Because learning is a social endeavor and cultures affect how we interact and learn, our culture affects learning transfer. Additionally, because everyone brings […]


The Report “The Effect of Covid-19 on Education in Africa and its Implications for the Use of Technology” has just been published by eLearning Africa and the EdTech Hub

Key Findings
1. There has been widespread school closure across Africa in response to the pandemic and 97% of respondents reported school closures in their countries, and 95% of these noted that all schools had been forced to close. This was seen as an appropriate decision, as 92% of respondents expressed that the closures were essential. 2. A lack of access to technology is […]


My experience as student in Sudan during Covid-19

By Mahid Abdulkarim
It has been decades since the world had been affected by a virus as much as it has now. It appears there is now a general agreement that nothing is the same anymore. Everyone’s life has taken a turn in the past few months. Whether it’s your online education, work from home or in sanitized offices, your daily routines or your […]

Field Stories

Distance Learning for Agriculture

By Marty Spittle, IBERS Distance Learning Manager, Aberystwyth University
IBERS Distance Learning at Aberystwyth University, is a multidisciplinary team creating online masters-level content. Our aim is to provide agriculturalists with easy access to high-level research findings, as well as a route towards postgraduate qualifications. The team is embedded in the Institute of Biological, Environmental and Rural Sciences (IBERS), an internationally-recognised research and teaching centre providing a unique base for research and teaching in response to global challenges. […]