Tag: Social Media


#eLA15 top tweets

In the lead-up, during and after eLearning Africa 2015, the eLA15 hashtag was alive with thousands of people sharing their ideas, opinions and favourite conference moments. See how far the messages reached and who said what in our graphic of #eLA15 top tweets. 


What’s wrong with Facebook-sponsored Internet access?

Is limited access to the Internet better than no access at all? This is a question posed by John Naughton, author and professor of the public understanding of technology at the Open University, in a recent Guardian diatribe against a Facebook app that offers free connectivity to developing nations. Naughton’s answer is ‘no’.

Field Stories

“Looking forward” in North Uganda

War has a devastating effect on the lives of the children caught up in it. Education is one of the first things to suffer the disruption to daily life caused by conflict, while the effects of trauma can last for many years after the end of hostilities. The Lord’s Resistance Army insurgency in Northern Uganda became particularly notorious worldwide for the abduction and abuse […]

Field Stories

How useful is Facebook as an educational tool at university level?

Educators and researchers are in two minds when it comes to the pedagogical, social and technological benefits of social media, particularly Facebook. Some say it can provide a platform for learning and allow students to collaborate and communicate with each other. Yet other educators say Facebook has little educational value and does not serve any academic purpose. In the worst-case scenario, it could even […]


Web 2.0 and social media learning opportunities

Technological innovation is taking place at a breath-taking pace. Simple, open source Internet applications designed to enhance collaboration are now available to the wider public at little or no cost. These new technologies, known as Web 2.0 and social media, enable people to collaborate to create, share and publish information. The Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation EU-ACP (CTA) is hosting a series of 5-day learning […]

Field Stories

Social media rebranding agriculture

Eds: Many thanks to Adebola Adedugbe for agreeing to do the interview after a lengthy power cut in Abuja! Energetic, resourceful young Africans make up roughly 50% of the Continent’s population. And their rising numbers go hand in hand with a decreasing agricultural workforce. Waves of young people migrate from rural to urban areas in search of white-collar jobs and better earnings. Why pick […]

Conference sneak preview Field Stories

Julius Caesar in Africa – ICT helps reinvent Shakespearean drama

Tech-savvy students at Leqele High School in Maseru, the capital of the mountainous kingdom of Lesotho, are using ICT to revolutionise their English literature classes. Their adaptation of Shakespeare’s The Tragedy of Julius Caesar in an African setting is making literature more enjoyable and accessible for everyone. by Pauline Bugler Opening up the centuries-old drama to students was proving a complex task. The archaic […]

Field Stories

Social Learning: a Namibian Experiment

In Sub-Saharan Africa, innovative approaches are constantly being developed to address the region’s acute education challenges. Low literacy levels, inadequate school facilities, and high dropout rates are felt acutely, particularly in rural areas. Despite government initiatives to tackle these issues, accessing education remains difficult for some, especially those who have abandoned their studies and find it difficult to re-join school or gain employment in […]

Field Stories

Africa’s digital busy bees

These networks of geeks – IT experts (1) who are building, sharing, instructing and innovating – aim to pollinise the Continent with digital know-how (3) without necessarily needing to wait for funding from initiatives of governments and international organisations. By Philippe Royer