Tag: Distance learning

Field Stories

Distance Learning for Agriculture

By Marty Spittle, IBERS Distance Learning Manager, Aberystwyth University
IBERS Distance Learning at Aberystwyth University, is a multidisciplinary team creating online masters-level content. Our aim is to provide agriculturalists with easy access to high-level research findings, as well as a route towards postgraduate qualifications. The team is embedded in the Institute of Biological, Environmental and Rural Sciences (IBERS), an internationally-recognised research and teaching centre providing a unique base for research and teaching in response to global challenges. […]

Field Stories

Highlighting the need to accelerate eLearning adoption in Uganda

By Isaac Kasana, Research & Education Network for Uganda Introduction For many years, the primary thrust of eLearning was to complement or enhance distance-learning needs: to make it more affordable and more accessible for the learners and also to enhance the educators’ throughput. With the developments in technology capability over the past 12 years, eLearning in its own right can now address many more education […]

Field Stories

The transformational landscape of Islamic finance

The development of Islamic finance sector in Africa has provided the economy with numerous benefits in key markets. AADLC focuses on capacity building to support the Africa’s development on the major schemes that will enhance the supervisory architecture in order to facilitate the management of financial cross-border linkages. Since 2012 the Association of African and Distance Learning Center (AADLC)  and the Tokyo Development Learning […]


It’s fun to study for a Y-M-B-A

In this edition, discover how Uganda is leading the way in Sub-Saharan Africa on public health issues such as smoking and road safety, and about the Ugandan student taking distance learning to extremes. Meanwhile, worried voices are raised about some of the unexpected effects of universal primary education – read on… Uganda news in brief: commentators spot shades of 1964 in M7-Mbabazi row (Observer) […]