Recent news


Testing ‘digital pens’ in hospitals in Tanzania

In many hospitals throughout the world, it is still standard practice for doctors and nurses to keep handwritten patient files; this is also the case in Africa. However, these files can easily get lost, and if patient data have to be transferred from one medical institution to another, the files can take a long time to arrive. Digital documents that can be shared and […]

Conference sneak preview

The ICWE team visits a rural school in Nyanyano, Ghana

Following the conclusion of the third successful eLearning Africa conference, held at the end of May in the Ghanaian capital, Accra, a team from the conference organiser, ICWE, visited the Kempshot Grammar Academy in Nyanyano. The junior high school is in a rural area on the coast around 50 kilometres from Accra. ICWE donated to the school. The money will be used to buy […]


Impressions from the Microsoft Pan-African Innovative Teachers Forum 2008

Alan Yates and Ronald Ndungu A think tank for innovative eLearning projects: At the Microsoft Pan-African Innovative Teachers Forum, teachers from all around Africa had the opportunity to present their lessons and also took part in a variety of skills-development workshops. Altogether, the event brought together 37 teachers who are doing exciting projects using technology in their classrooms, all of them finalists in a […]

Field Stories

“A Brilliant Mix of People, Opinions and Solutions”

Oracle and the Oracle Education Foundation (OEF) support over 1.2 million students in 91 countries each year through the Oracle Academy and ThinkQuest programmes. Partnerships with governments and institutions around the world help students to develop 21st-century skills and meet the growing demand for a skilled workforce. Learn more about what Christopher Binns, Oracle Education Foundation, thought of this year’s eLearning Africa conference and […]


Interview with George Siemens, University of Manitoba Learning Technologies Centre, Canada

  We need a new narrative for understanding learning, suggest George Siemens. In his vision of the future, learners are part of – not only recipients of – information, knowledge, learning and teaching. The well-known Canadian eLearning expert will open eLearning Africa 2008 with a keynote presentation. Siemens is one of the most innovative thinkers in the fields of learning and technology. His work […]

Field Stories

Preparing the Jamaican youth for the global marketplace

Jamaica’s future economic prosperity and economic growth is underpinned, to a large extent, by the capacity of the education and training systems to upgrade the skills and competencies of the emerging and existing workforce. As Jamaica increasingly integrates its economy into regional and global markets, new demands are emerging, driven by competitive labour dynamics. At the same time, there is a known skills shortage […]


A new narrative for understanding learning

We need a new narrative for understanding learning, suggest George Siemens. In his vision of the future, learners are part of – not only recipients of – information, knowledge, learning and teaching. The well-known Canadian eLearning expert will open eLearning Africa 2008 with a keynote presentation. Siemens is one of the most innovative thinkers in the fields of learning and technology. His work is […]


ICT changing the fortunes of rural communities

Indeed, the power of ICTs as a force for socio-economic change is now being realised by the mostly poor residents in costal areas of rural Kenya. At the click of a button, members of well-organised rural self-help groups are able to search for markets for their farm products, make inquiries and even secure orders!