Small-scale farmers account for the majority of the working population in many sub-Saharan countries. In order to increase productivity and improve their lives, these farmers need practical information about low-cost farming methods. The sector also urgently needs more young people, with many turning their backs on this type of work.
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NATO training chief at eLearning Africa
Lieutenant General Karlheinz Viereck, who is responsible for Joint Force Training at NATO, will be a keynote speaker at eLA 2011. NATO is the world’s biggest military alliance, and its member states spend billions of dollars every year on training, as well as on research and development in the fields of information technology and education. Lt Gen Viereck, who was once nicknamed “the laptop […]
Delivering video by mobile phone to classrooms in Tanzania
A ground-breaking project, Bridgeit, locally known as Elimu kwa Teknolojia or Education through Technology, is now operating for nearly 80,000 pupils in 150 Tanzanian schools. The programme enables a teacher to download videos on math, science or HIV/AIDS to mobile phones which are connected to a TV set in the classroom. Students who have watched the videos achieve improved test results.
How social networks train social skills
Allan Kakinda, 23, graduated from Makerere University, Uganda, in 2010. Interested in digital technologies from an early age, he now works with the International Education and Resource Network (iEARN). iEARN is a platform enabling students and teachers to collaborate online on projects dealing with real-life problems worldwide. Allan spoke to eLA about his work and explained why he thinks technologies can make a […]
How ICTs nurture talent – a very personal story from Zambia
Information and Communication Technology unlocks hidden talents. That is what happened to eLearning Africa participant Lois Mvula. She used to be a cleaner at a teachers’ college. Now she leads an IT technical team at the college. Here is her very personal story.
Is the OER movement flawed? Join the debate!
Open Educational Resources (OER) are a very popular issue at eLearning Africa. However, do they really play such a positive role in higher education and at other educational institutions across Africa? The eLearning Africa 2011 Debate, traditionally a very lively, parliamentary-style discussion, will address the following motion: “This house believes that the OER movement is fundamentally flawed because it is based on the false […]
VLEs enhance education
Pearson Fronter specialises in simple tools for secure online education and collaboration in specific virtual ‘rooms’. Its Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) gives students, teachers and parents access to communications, assignment submission, planning and shared resources. Here, eLearning Africa shows how introducing this platform in a school in the United Arab Emirates is helping to meet the educational needs of the children and connect the […]
Beating the power deficit to boost eLearning in Tanzania
When the 650 million dollar Seacom undersea cable was hauled ashore on Kunduchi beach near Dar es Salaam, its high-capacity bandwidth offered Tanzania the glittering opportunity of becoming a knowledge-based economy. But the country needs more than just fast broadband from the 17,000 km of largely African-owned fibre-optic cable that has linked South Africa, Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda and Mozambique with Europe and Asia since […]
Nigerians learn new campaigning skills
New communications technology and social networking are about to influence the politics of the African continent once again. This time it is Nigeria, whose leaders are rapidly coming to terms with the political significance of new forms of communication and networking sites, such as Facebook and Twitter, as the country prepares to go to the polls in April.
UNICEF report: “Adolescence – An Age of Opportunity”
On February 25, 2011, UNICEF published its new flagship report “Adolescence: An Age of Opportunity” suggesting that Information and Communication Technologies could help save young people from being ‘left adrift by globalization’. On that very day Egyptian agitators used eMail, Twitter and Facebook to bring tens of thousands of teenage demonstrators into Tahrir Square for a synchronised demonstration with Egyptian and Tunisian flags. The […]