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Field Stories

Mixing it with Dr Math: Mobile tutoring on demand

“Innovative, useful, inclusive, affordable for users and educative” was how Matti Sinko of UNECA described Dr Math, an award-winning mobile tutoring service and “go-to” resource for primary and secondary students. What has happened to Dr Math since it won a Technology in Government Award at eLearning Africa 2011?

Field Stories

Youthful innovation at Apps4Africa

“Innovation works well for large companies, but it’s not so easy for a sole trader to gain recognition,” says Eric Mutta, a software designer whose latest app won him recognition in the Apps4Africa Climate Challenge. But it’s through youthful innovation that Africa will find long-term solutions to long-standing problems. By Prue Goredema


Towards a sustainable ICT policy for Benin

An effective regulatory framework is essential for countries trying to make the most of technology, says Ken Lohento, ICT4D Programme Coordinator at the Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation. A specialist in the design and implementation of ICT projects to support agriculture and rural development, Lohento offers some lessons from his native Benin.

Conference sneak preview

Show and tell at eLA 2012

The annual exhibition at eLearning Africa is the ideal place for businesses in the ICT sector to reach their target audience. As the Continent’s premier event on eLearning, eLearning Africa bustles with excitement and energy as speakers, participants and vendors enjoy the rich networking opportunity which the conference provides. The exhibition and demonstration area is extensive and showcases the boldest, newest and most dynamic […]

Field Stories

Informatique « One to one » en Ethiopie

La notion de transformation de l’éducation grâce à l’informatique «one to one» est actuellement un sujet très brûlant dans toute l’Afrique. Des initiatives sont actuellement en cours dans différents pays, en particulier au Nigéria, au Rwanda, en Ethiopie et au Ghana. Mais l’informatique «one to one» est-elle réellement possible pour chaque enfant et est-elle la solution la plus appropriée et la plus rentable en […]

Field Stories

eLearning for all

The Society for Promotion of Education and Development (SPED) is a Nigeria-based NGO that brings Information and Communication Technology tools to underprivileged school children. The director, Okafor Toochukwu Patrick, has attended eLearning Africa since its inception and has watched how people across the Continent are adopting ICT tools in ever more creative and cooperative ways. On his recent trip to Germany for the ONLINE […]

Conference sneak preview

Towards Maturity supports eLearning Africa Scholarship Programme

We are delighted to announce that Towards Maturity has kindly agreed to support the eLearning Africa Scholarship Programme. Donating to the eLearning Africa Scholarship Programme ensures that as many low-income practitioners as possible from Africa are offered the opportunity to participate in this important conference. Enriched through the vast knowledge-sharing and networking experience the conference offers, their participation helps them to disseminate valuable knowledge […]

Field Stories

One to one computing in Ethiopia

The notion of transforming education through one-to-one computing is currently a hot topic across Africa. Initiatives are underway in various countries including Nigeria, Rwanda, Ethiopia and Ghana. But is one-to-one computing really possible for every child, and is it the most appropriate and cost effective use of resources? After a lively session at the recent ONLINE EDUCA conference in Berlin, David Hollow a founding […]


News from South Africa: outcomes of the United Nations Climate Change meeting

Originally scheduled to end on Friday, December 9th, after twelve days of intense talks, the COP17 climate change meeting went into overtime until negotiators eventually came to an agreement in the early hours of Sunday, December 11th 2011. Governments the world over are lauding the progress made on the continuation of the Kyoto Protocol, the Green Climate Fund and the new market mechanisms. However, […]


A knowledge economy begins at the grass roots

The telecentre movement is nothing new. As an effective service for improving the livelihoods of rural communities, it is a model which exists the world over. Picture a telecentre in Africa, and the image of a small building where people can go to get access to a computer, phone, fax, go online or charge a mobile phone springs to mind. This conventional scenario still […]