Educators and researchers are in two minds when it comes to the pedagogical, social and technological benefits of social media, particularly Facebook. Some say it can provide a platform for learning and allow students to collaborate and communicate with each other. Yet other educators say Facebook has little educational value and does not serve any academic purpose. In the worst-case scenario, it could even […]
Recent news
Bullion ebullient
In this edition: the gender gap is bridged – as is the Atlantic ocean. Find out what books Ugandans like to read most, how the country’s doctors are helping diagnose fevers on the other side of the world, and about the Ugandan film with Oscar-winning potential – read on… Uganda News in brief: Mbabazi-M7 row: spy tapes show extent of Mbabazi support (Observer) ++++ […]
Web 2.0 and social media learning opportunities
Technological innovation is taking place at a breath-taking pace. Simple, open source Internet applications designed to enhance collaboration are now available to the wider public at little or no cost. These new technologies, known as Web 2.0 and social media, enable people to collaborate to create, share and publish information. The Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation EU-ACP (CTA) is hosting a series of 5-day learning […]
The suspense is killing me
“Those most often left behind are language minorities. Keeping the promise of the MDGs requires a new understanding of the critical role of language in human development. Because there can be no true development without linguistic development, only by putting language at the centre of development can we close the gaps and meet key targets of the MDGs and other global agendas such as […]
Social media rebranding agriculture
Eds: Many thanks to Adebola Adedugbe for agreeing to do the interview after a lengthy power cut in Abuja! Energetic, resourceful young Africans make up roughly 50% of the Continent’s population. And their rising numbers go hand in hand with a decreasing agricultural workforce. Waves of young people migrate from rural to urban areas in search of white-collar jobs and better earnings. Why pick […]
Solar classrooms light up African education
Africa is a hotbed of technological innovation. The challenges it faces – of bridging the urban-rural divide, expanding infrastructure and extending education – are seen by many of the Continent’s digital pioneers as opportunities for creativity and invention. The task now is to start developing their ideas on a continental scale. by Alasdair MacKinnon For Asia Kamukama, innovation means a four-by-four with solar panels […]
The Three E’s of the Technology Revolution: Ecommerce, Entrepreneurship, and Education (repost)
We are in the midst of a new leg of the Technology Revolution: mobile technology. Emissaries, acolytes, and strategists have all converged, coming from diverse backgrounds, geographical locations, and age groups. They’ve all learned to creatively synthesize social media and various apps to literally mobilize the troops. The myriad foot soldiers who have been incubated in a petri dish of war, poverty, and a […]
The eLearning Africa 2014 Trailer
ICT to the stars
In this edition of the Uganda News Review, find out about the course taking on corruption and the learning centre tackling a more powerful force: lightning. Also below: radio aids development in Northern Uganda, online government meets with uncertain response, and a monster is hauled out of Lake Victoria. Read on… Uganda News in brief: Christian University makes laptops a requirement (New Vision) ++++ Parliamentary payrise […]
Mathematics teacher turns Gayaza hearts (repost)
Ronald Ddungu, Deputy Head of Gayaza High School, Kampala, has been an eLearning aficionado ever since eLearning Africa 2008 in Kenya. At this year’s Conference he will be one of the leaders of a workshop entitled “Teachers in the 21st Century: opportunities provided by e- and mLearning“. This is his story. by Racheal Ninsiima This article was originally published in the Observer In 2008, […]