
eLearning Africa Gears Up for Fiery Annual Debate on Digital Education

As eLearning Africa approaches, all eyes turn to the highly anticipated annual plenary debate. Scheduled to take place on Friday, May 31st, this year’s debate promises a stimulating clash of perspectives on the future of education in the digital age.

Themed “This House believes that the Traditional Education System will become Obsolete in the Digital Age,” the motion strikes at the heart of the transformative impact technology is exerting on traditional educational models.

The eLearning Africa Debate, introduced in 2009, has evolved into the conference’s signature event, renowned for its lively, thought-provoking discourse. Adhering to a parliamentary-style format, four expert panelists will deliver impassioned opening statements, with opportunities for “interventions” – spontaneous rebuttals from their counterparts.

Leading the proceedings as chairperson is Hon. Michael Onyango, the founder of Africa’s Forgotten Bottom Millions (4BM), a programme offering digital career opportunities to youth across 47 African nations.

Arguing in favor of the motion are:

– Ify Obidi Essien, CEO of Tech-Savvy Teacher International, an acclaimed EdTech consultant championing digital transformation in Nigerian classrooms.

– Prof. Paul Birevu Muyinda, Director of Makerere University’s Institute of Open, Distance and eLearning, renowned for spearheading blended learning initiatives during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Opposing the notion are:

– Kennedy Ekezie, Founder and CEO of Consize, a message-based learning platform, and a former growth lead for TikTok’s African expansion.

– Verusha Maharaj, Managing Director of Red & Yellow Creative School of Business, committed to closing skills gaps through industry-aligned creative education.

After the opening statements, the floor will open for a lively debate, with audience members invited to contribute questions and perspectives. Ultimately, a decisive vote by a show of hands will determine which side emerges victorious in this clash over education’s digital frontier.

As digital technologies reshape countless facets of modern life, eLearning Africa’s annual debate promises an insightful exploration into whether traditional education models can adapt and integrate digital innovations or risk obsolescence. The diverse panel and interactive format ensure a thought-provoking discourse that will undoubtedly catalyse further dialogue on this important issue.

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