
General Opinions

The Symbiotic Potential of EdTech: The Future of Education in Africa

With a burgeoning population, rapid urbanization, and the advent of technology, the continent of Africa faces both challenges and opportunities in providing quality education to its people. However, amidst these challenges lies the promise of transformative change through the integration of Educational Technology (EdTech). Despite significant progress over the years, the continent still grapples with various challenges that hinder equitable access to quality education. […]

Field Stories General Opinions

Interview with Moodle Founder & Head of Research Martin Dougiamas

1. It has been more than five years since you shared with eLearning Africa that you were “worried by the Silicon Valley approach” in Africa, and “the disturbing trend for large corporations to seize power and control, controlling the conversation with a cultural agenda.” You noted then that African countries should be “doing the research on what works for them.” What have you learned […]

General Opinions

Interview with Rebecca Stromeyer in Edutimes Africa

If you’re keen to explore the evolution and impact of eLearning Africa, the interview with eLearning Africa’s founder Rebecca Stromeyer featured in Edutimes Africa’s February magazine offers a historical overview of eLearning Africa and describes how this pioneering conference and exhibition stand at the forefront of leveraging information and communication technologies (ICT) for education and training across the continent. The event’s significance is highlighted […]

Conference sneak preview Opinions

Fostering the Development of Digital Pedagogical Skills of Teachers in Africa

Dr. Oluwakemi Olurinola will be joining us at eLearning Africa to speak about how the digital divide in Africa has garnered considerable attention in recent years, with significant attempts being made to close it, especially in the educational sector. An increase in Edtech start-ups across the continent have been witnessed, as well as an increase in digital skills training for teachers across the board. However, this has exposed another gap in African teachers’ skill sets: the Digital Pedagogical Skill gap.

Conference sneak preview Opinions

Interview with Keynote Speaker Mark West

Mark West works in UNESCO’s Education Sector, where he examines how technology can improve the quality, equity, and accessibility of learning. He currently leads work to operationalize the Rewired Global Declaration on Connectivity for Education. He is also authoring a UNESCO publication called ‘An Ed-Tech Tragedy?’ about lessons learned following the global shift from school-based education to technology-based education during the COVID-19 pandemic. There […]

Opinions Trends

What are the global trends in L&D, and how does the view from Africa compare?

This year, for the first time, a significant group of voters from Africa joined the annual L&D Global Sentiment Survey, which looks at the views of L&D professionals world-wide. The survey, now in its ninth year, has one obligatory question: ‘What will be hot in workplace L&D in 2022?’, with respondents choosing three options from a list of 15. These options range across methodologies […]

Opinions Trends

What the future has in store for e-learning platforms

E-Learning platforms have come a long way. For a long time, they supported teachers’ work in the classroom. The most common uses were uploading learning materials, organizing classes, evaluating students and awarding certificates. The pandemic changed everything since e-learning platforms became the main way of teaching and learning.  Even though many schools and universities have already used them before, the health crisis accelerated the […]

Conference sneak preview Opinions

Interview with keynote speaker Dr. Njeri Mwagiru

Njeri Mwagiru is a Senior Futurist at the Institute for Futures Research (IFR) at Stellenbosch University Business School in South Africa. Dr. Mwagiru’s work focuses on strengthening capabilities of individuals, organisations, and states in Africa to navigate complexity and uncertainty, and to realise long-term goals and visions for the continent. She will be a keynote speaker at this year’s eLearning Africa Conference in Kigali, […]

Conference sneak preview Opinions

Interview with keynote speaker Jaime Casap

Jaime Casap was the second member of the Google for Education team. In that time, he launched Google’s GSuite tools into higher education and K12, brought Chromebooks into education, and was the creator of the Google for Education Transformation Framework – a holistic approach to education transformation. In his keynote this May in Kigali, Casap will speak about his current work focused on learning, […]

Opinions Trends

Skills and Credentialing in the General Context of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA)

The countries of the African Union (AU) are blessed with many natural resources – the greatest of which may be their youthful, talented, and dynamic peoples. Recognising the significance of this for the continent’s development, with the Kigali Declaration of 2018, the AU’s member states founded the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA). This African single market region will offer unprecedented employment opportunities for […]