

Groupe Jeune Afrique: Contributing to Africa’s development

Since 1960, Groupe Jeune Afrique has been contributing to the political, economic and social development of the African continent by providing independent, reliable and accurate information.  Never losing sight of its core values – editorial independence and responsibility, uncompromising quality and expertise – this leading press and publishing group continues to expand into new media areas, strengthening its position as the leading pan-African press […]


Bilan de la Cinquième Table Ronde Ministérielle : Vers un financement durable de l’éducation en Afrique

Les ministres africains en charge de l’Education et des TIC ont appelé à repenser les stratégies de financement adoptées par leurs institutions d’éducation supérieure afin d’atteindre les Objectifs du Millénaire pour le développement des Nations unies d’ici à 2015. Bilan de la Cinquième Table Ronde Ministérielle sur l’éducation et le financement durable en Afrique.


Setting standards for teaching professionals

Cooperation is the current buzzword in the corridors of the Africa Forum of Teaching Regulatory Authorities in Africa (AFTRA). A new kid on the education block, AFTRA aims to promote teaching standards Continent-wide and to facilitate better cooperation between members. What’s behind the drive?


Africa celebrates Girls in ICT Day

The first International Girls in ICT Day was marked on Thursday, April 26th, 2012, and at least five African countries joined in the festivities.  Established through a formal resolution by the International Telecommunication Union in 2010, the annual event aims to create a global environment that empowers girls and young women pursuing careers in the ICT field. Johanna Havemann reports The main celebration was […]


News from South Africa: outcomes of the United Nations Climate Change meeting

Originally scheduled to end on Friday, December 9th, after twelve days of intense talks, the COP17 climate change meeting went into overtime until negotiators eventually came to an agreement in the early hours of Sunday, December 11th 2011. Governments the world over are lauding the progress made on the continuation of the Kyoto Protocol, the Green Climate Fund and the new market mechanisms. However, […]


Help us grow our eLearning Africa community

This year, for the first time at eLearning Africa (eLA), our Programme Team will be hosting a session entitled “My eLA”. We have had many discussions on the purpose and nature of eLearning Africa. So far, our conversations have led us to conclude that eLA has multiple personalities. We believe that her many personalities should be embraced and celebrated. We call on you to […]


UNICEF report: “Adolescence – An Age of Opportunity”

On February 25, 2011, UNICEF published its new flagship report “Adolescence: An Age of Opportunity” suggesting that Information and Communication Technologies could help save young people from being ‘left adrift by globalization’. On that very day Egyptian agitators used eMail, Twitter and Facebook to bring tens of thousands of teenage demonstrators into Tahrir Square for a synchronised demonstration with Egyptian and Tunisian flags.  The […]