Author: ICWE

Conference sneak preview Interview Opinions

Setting the Standard: The Ivorian Woman Showing How to Create Digital Jobs and Businesses

When historians look back at our age and reflect on this crucial moment in history, as Africa faces the tantalising but realistic prospect of becoming what the African Union calls a ‘transformed continent,’ in which sustained prosperity takes root and malnutrition and disease are finally eradicated, they may conclude that three factors in particular led to economic success: a determined effort to develop the […]

Conference sneak preview Field Stories Interview

A Ray of Light in Africa’s Darkest Corner

Harold Elletson talks to Congolese champion of disabled people and one of Africa’s most remarkable educators – Hortense Kavuo Maliro In August 2016, three days after a visit by the President of the Democratic Republic of Congo, Joseph Kabila, to the province of North Kivu in the north east of the country, a group of armed men, some of whom were dressed as soldiers, […]

Conference sneak preview

Igniting Creativity through Personalised Learning Experiences

Written by Adewunmi Payne Akinhanmio, SEN Coordinator Whole School, Grange School Lagos Creativity is an individual expression of knowledge and application that is unique, just as the fingerprint is unique. It stems from the ability to think outside the box, move out of the norm or comfort zone, and explore something new or a new pattern of thinking. Personalised Learning is any learning tailored […]

Field Stories

Technology is a liberating force for African women

By: Charles Onyango-Obbo, Publisher of Africapedia As ride-hailing apps proliferate the globe, An Nisa Taxi in Kenya is one of the standouts in Africa. Developed by 33-year-old Mehnaz Sarwar, An Nisa is run by women and serves female passengers and children exclusively. Ms. Sarwar sought to overcome two obstacles: limited job opportunities for women in a male-dominated industry and the reluctance of women to hail […]

Conference sneak preview

Design Thinking for Problem Solving in Africa

Written by Kader Kaneye, African Development University – ADU The capacity to innovate via complex problem solving was identified as the number-one critical skill for the 21st-century professional, business person, or entrepreneur operating in an ever-more-complex, dynamic, and fast-changing world. Source: Future of Jobs Report, World Economic Forum Design thinking is an approach to innovation that uses deep user understanding, problem framing, a range […]


AfDB Launches Innovative Entrepreneurship Programme for Moroccan Graduates

By Francis KOKUTSE, journalist and media consultant based inAccra, Ghana.  The African Development (AfDB) has extended an innovative process called the Souk At-tanmia (“Market for Development”) programme in southern Morocco to promote entrepreneurship among graduates. The concept fits into what Albert Nsengiyumva, executive secretary of the Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA), says is necessary in order to win the war that has […]

Opinions Trends

How will robots change the world?

By Bernadine Racoma of Day Translations. Robots are no longer instantly equated with cyborgs, armed metal creatures, and manned or autonomous humanoid machines. Even the term Android nowadays is more often understood as the mobile operating system developed by Google. People have gone past the typical concept of a robot, as most are already aware of the different forms and applications of robotics.  Robotics […]


Innovations in Humanitarian Learning

By John Nduri, Learning and Knowledge Management Advisor, Humanitarian Leadership Academy East Africa It is not debatable that humanitarian crises are widespread across the world, with African populations bearing the brunt of more recurrent and severe natural and man-made disasters. In contributing to preparedness and response, local, national and international humanitarian organisations have been involved in various ways for decades, which begs the question: […]

Conference sneak preview

Digital badges offer a paradigm shift in skills validation

At the moment, few places in the world are more interesting than Africa when it comes to discussions related to education and skills development. The Continent has unique challenges that differ from those in most of the world, but they also offer unique opportunities. This situation, combined with the fast rise of African countries’ standard of living and technological development, and the generally open […]