
The eLearning Africa Report 2014

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eLearning Africa will publish a major Report on the role of technology in education and development in May this year. This is the third edition of the Report so far, which is the most in-depth study of eLearning on the Continent.

eLearning Africa participants, News Portal readers and all those to whom the Conference reaches out can form an integral part of the Report by taking part in the survey on which it is based. This survey is likely to inform future decision-making about policy, strategy and investment in both the public and private sectors.

Anyone is eligible to take part in the survey, provided they are working in ICT in an African country.

Your experience, knowledge and opinions will help to create a comprehensive picture of the impact of technology on education in Africa. Our aim is not only to show how technology is currently being used but also to reflect people’s expectations and ideas about its role in education in the future.

We are hoping to draw on the experience of a wide variety of people from many different sectors, including education professionals, students, politicians, administrators, managers and investors.

If you are willing to take part in the survey, please answer five initial questions on the form which can be found here. Filling out the form will only take two minutes, and the results will be used to make the survey itself more relevant to you.

All those who take part in the survey will be entered into a prize draw to win a tablet computer!

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