Tag: Lesotho


Web 2.0 and social media learning opportunities

Technological innovation is taking place at a breath-taking pace. Simple, open source Internet applications designed to enhance collaboration are now available to the wider public at little or no cost. These new technologies, known as Web 2.0 and social media, enable people to collaborate to create, share and publish information. The Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation EU-ACP (CTA) is hosting a series of 5-day learning […]

Conference sneak preview Field Stories

Julius Caesar in Africa – ICT helps reinvent Shakespearean drama

Tech-savvy students at Leqele High School in Maseru, the capital of the mountainous kingdom of Lesotho, are using ICT to revolutionise their English literature classes. Their adaptation of Shakespeare’s The Tragedy of Julius Caesar in an African setting is making literature more enjoyable and accessible for everyone. by Pauline Bugler Opening up the centuries-old drama to students was proving a complex task. The archaic […]