Tag: Disability


UAVs with ISPs

This week, find out about what drones could do for internet in Africa and the image makeover needed in technical colleges. Meanwhile, rivalry with neighbour Kenya seems to be all the rage in Uganda’s printed media – see how the two countries compare on higher education and on tourism, below… Uganda news in brief: M7 and PM Mbabazi relations reach all-time low (Observer) ++++ […]


Lovers unite in rift region

In this episode of The Uganda News Review, find out about the apps that tackle corruption and money transfer costs, the pupils asked to bring bags of cement to school, and the bishop who gave everything he had to the poor. Plus: the people trying to improve the lot of women in work, and just how successful is Uganda’s progress towards the Millennium Development […]


Empowering the disabled through eLearning

Gladys Rotich’s remarkable story serves as an inspiration to disabled students in Africa. Blind since the age of four following an illness, her path to university meant overcoming adversity. Now at the age of 28, Rotich is a lecturer and administrator at Mount Kenya University’s Eldoret Campus and pursuing her PhD. But things were by no means easy as a blind student, Gladys told […]