eLearning Africa has once more proved to be a hub for information on how innovative technology can advance the cause of education for all. This year’s conference in Lusaka, Zambia, saw the launch of a new rugged “classmate PC” for school children, featured cost-effective, multi-user computing models and showed how hospitals in Tanzania are using “digital pens” capable of automatically converting handwriting into […]
Recent news
eLA showcases alternative energy sources
Imagine a classroom packed with the latest educational technology, such as high-end networked computers, projectors and digital whiteboards. And then imagine what happens when the lights go out and the screens go blank. In fact, power cuts are still a common problem on the African content. eLearning Africa addressed this issue and presented some impressive ideas regarding alternative energy sources. Presentations covered the […]
The eLearning Africa debate – should Africa continue to invest in ICT?
Africa is witnessing a gradual shift towards massive investment in Information and Communications Technology (ICT), thanks to the role of policymakers who are pushing for full regulatory reform for ICTs. Many African leaders have realised that, for any meaningful economic development to occur, technology has to play its part. But the free flow of investment in the sector was slowed down last year, owing […]
Twitter about God
To reach out to young people, you have to meet them half way. This is the main aim of Rt Rev Dr S. Tilewa Johnson. Ranging from podcasts to Twitter and Facebook groups, the open-minded Anglican Bishop of Gambia is constantly exploring innovative ways of communication which help him to forge new links with his parish. The conclusion he draws for now is very […]
SchoolNet Africa and Shafika Isaacs
Shafika Isaacs, founding Executive Director of SchoolNet Africa, the network that links education policymakers, teachers and learners in 31 African countries, has been a Senior Programme Officer for the International Development Research Centre and an independent consultant on ICTs for development in Africa for many years. As a South African member of eLA’s Organising Committee, she looks back at the development of ICTs […]
Talking about the cloud
IBM’s slogan “Education for a Smarter Planet” is being applied to transform educational systems in Africa, especially in Tanzania, where the firm has signed a collaboration agreement for adopting information technology in education, research and development. IBM will be presenting at eLearning Africa on the new technology of cloud computing. Mick Slivecko, IBM Global Education & Learning Industry, and Christoph Schwaiger, IBM Global Technology […]
Digital lessons at Copperbelt College
Lyson Chikunduzi, mathematics lecturer at Zambia’s Copperbelt College of Education, reports that all last year’s college graduates were able to use a computer to present their lessons.
eLearning Adventure: Kenyans take a truck ride to Lusaka
In the early morning of Saturday, May 22nd, a big blue truck will leave Nairobi and head south. On board there will be about twenty teachers and educators from the Kenyan North Rift eLearning Consortium. Their final destination: the fifth eLearning Africa conference in Lusaka, Zambia, about 1200 miles from their home town. It is a little known fact that education can be a […]
Ajegunle – Where ICT enriches the poor
Two Nigerian teenagers had never touched a computer keyboard before they joined a learning programme known as the Ajegunle.org Capacity Building Exercise. Nwanyiego Ijeh, a girl known as Ego, and a young man, James O. Raphael, lived and worked in Ajegunle, a dangerous part of Lagos, populated by three million people from all the tribes of West Africa. This year, former Ajegunle trainees will […]
Bridging the electricity gap in rural Kenya
They call it a mobile internet kiosk. It’s nothing more than an old car battery wired through a cheap electrical inverter to an ancient personal computer. The three items are loaded onto a hired handcart and delivered by manpower to the “very back of beyond” in Western Kenya.