Young people’s approach to sex education in Uganda has been undergoing gradual change thanks to an SMS Helpline provided by SchoolNet Uganda allowing them to ask questions about sexual and reproductive health – issues that they never before dared put to authority figures. by Pauline Bugler SchoolNet Uganda is one of thirteen organisations implementing the Access, Services, Knowledge (ASK) Alliance and is training two […]
Recent news
Powering rural Uganda
We’ve all heard about the solar classroom – but what are the realities of solar power, from a businessman’s perspective? Is it really the answer to affordable and sustainable energy – or are there hidden costs involved? The eLearning Africa News Team’s Kwesi Brako caught up with Edward Ntumwa to find out. So for those who don’t know, can you tell us a little […]
Women of Uganda, Network!
Life in the 21st century is unimaginable without the dynamics of ICT, which are adding unprecedented dimensions to humankind’s interaction on global, economic and social levels. In 2000, gender equality and empowerment of women became the third Millennium Development Goal adopted by the United Nations. by Pauline Bugler While attainment of this goal still hangs in the balance in Africa, the Ugandan women’s organisation […]
Learn with Grandma
At the 2011 eLearning Africa Conference in Tanzania, a Welsh grandmother and a Cameroonian Chief realised that they had the same fear – in the digital age, the past was being left behind. by Jonathan Adebayo Gaston Donnat Bappa, from the Babimbi region of Cameroon, was concerned that “we are losing traditional skills in Africa at an alarming rate”. Valerie Wood Gaiger had come […]
Moving on, or holding back: South Africa, 20 years on from Apartheid
Twenty years ago, South Africans celebrated on the streets as the Apartheid regime crumbled to dust. Today, jubilation over the demise of the brutal regime comes amid discouragement about the problems South Africa has yet to fix. Indeed, the system of racial segregation has been dismantled. Homes are no longer invaded when police suspect interracial sex. The mass evictions – by some counts, over […]
Uganda: home of health innovations
Bonita Nanziri is a student at Makerere University, Uganda’s oldest and largest University. A friend of hers, Jonathan, was in his final year of medical school when he passed on due to sickle cell anaemia. Together with three friends, she formed AfriGal Tech to work on technologies to fight this hereditary disease. by Mark Keith Muhumuza “Jonathan had always wanted to find a solution […]
Africa needs female entrepreneurs of choice
As founder of Yeigo, one of the world’s first VoIP applications, Rapelang Rabana was named one of Africa’s Best Young Entrepreneurs by Forbes and included in Oprah Magazine’s “O Power List”. In her newest venture, she’s tackling two of eLearning’s greatest challenges: measuring impact and improving the retention of knowledge. Here she talks with eLearning Africa about what’s wrong with on-the-job training, why eLearning […]
We can dream bigger now
Cameroonian entrepreneur Rebecca Enonchong – known to some 30,000 Twitter followers as @africatechie – is the founder and CEO of AppsTech, a company active in over 50 countries. A recipient of many business and entrepreneurship awards, Ms Enonchong is a passionate advocate for African interests on the global stage; her Twitter outlet, meanwhile, has become an essential channel for African technology news and comment. […]
Skills for the Nigerian workforce
Iyadunni Olubode is Executive Director of LEAP Africa – Leadership, Effectiveness, Accountability and Professionalism. Through training programmes and publications, this organisation reaches out to thousands of Africans – predominantly youths and business owners. Their range of programmes, encompassing youth development training, leadership ethics and civics, and business leadership, have helped young people and entrepreneurs to acquire vital skills, share advice and practice, challenge corruption […]
Changing the Landscape of Capacity Development through ICT
Today, the whole world is very bullish about Africa: a decade ago, a respected magazine called Africa the hopeless continent; now even it is acknowledging that Africa is rising. Sub-Saharan Africa’s growth momentum has been maintained over the past two decades and the prognosis is good. Despite substantial progress in reforming the overall policy environment it would appear that many African countries may not […]