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3D printing drives innovation in Africa

Aortic valves, fighter jets, coral reefs… pizza? Just four of the headline-grabbing products dished out by 3D printers over the last two years. Alongside this dramatic experimentation with a not-so-very-new technology comes the usual round of wild speculation: a 3D printer for every home, the end of manufacturing as we know it; 3D-printed firearms, the end of civilisation as we know it. 3D printers […]

Field Stories

New learning opportunities for marginalised girls in Kenya

Although gaps in education affect both boys and girls in Kenya, a recent UNESCO report reveals that girls are the most affected. By the end of the decade only 23% of girls from poor households in rural areas of Sub-Saharan Africa completed primary education and, if these trends continue, boys from wealthy families will achieve universal primary completion in 2021, while disadvantaged girls will […]


How the revolution failed Egypt’s students

In his opinion piece, originally published in the eLearning Africa Report 2014, Dr Leslie Croxford, Senior Vice-President for teaching and learning at the British University in Cairo, examines how historic events have shaped Egypt’s higher education system. He reflects on how opportunities for reform arose from the 1952 Egyptian Revolution but, despite student uprising, the Revolution of 2011 failed to meet calls for change. Find the reply […]


ICT enters Egypt higher education debate

A recent opinion piece in the eLearning Africa Report 2014 took aim at Egyptian higher education, claiming that the system has been ‘unable to reform itself’ to meet certain student expectations. However, this article painted just one picture; another, one which shows attempts to create a solid higher education structure, together with effective policies and programmes – especially in regard to ICT – is […]

Field Stories

The final road to reach 2015 MDGs

As the 2015 target date looms for UN member countries to achieve the eight Millennium Development Goals – which range from providing universal primary education to combatting HIV/AIDS and other diseases – the UN Millennium Development Goals Report 2014 reveals what targets have been met, what areas are lacking and, with a final push, what goals are still in reach.  By Annika Burgess


What’s the media got to do with education? The freedom to listen, speak and learn

When I decided to register for the Deutsche Welle Global Media Forum 2014, I did so with slight apprehension. The theme, “From Information to Participation: Challenges for the Media”, sounded interesting – especially the first part – and the programme featured presentations on ICT4D, mobile empowerment and democratic participation in Africa. But the event is designed for journalists and media practitioners. What does that […]

Field Stories

Searching for the next forward-thinkers

In the spirit of sharing views and ideas we ask you to ponder the question: Are we lost in a digital wonderland? If this conjures up ideas of ways to wade through the global knowledge society then this year’s Global Peter Drucker Challenge is a good place to vent your thoughts. In honour of Austrian writer, philosopher and management consultant Peter F. Drucker – […]

Field Stories

Meet the winners: eLearning Africa photo competition 2014

The 2014 winners of the annual eLearning Africa “Through Your Lens” photography competition caught our attention with powerful images that portrayed how communication tools and information technologies can foster integration, inclusion and diversity. Kwesi Brako followed up with this year’s winners to learn more about their experiences travelling throughout Africa and what inspires their photography.