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Multi-directional Academic Knowledge Exchange from and about Africa: Exploring the Preprint Repository AfricArXiv

Authors of this article are some of the team members at AfricArXiv: Justin Sègbédji Ahinon, Joy Owango, Obasegun Ayodele, Luke Okelo, Ahmed Ogunlaya and Jo Havemann
“Academic Research and knowledge from and about Africa should be freely available to all who wish to access, use or reuse it while at the same time being protected from misuse and misappropriation.” This is the first out of […]

Conference sneak preview

Equal Opportunities and Quality Education in the Digital Age

Learnings from Development Cooperation
As we find ourselves amidst the digital revolution, ICT increasingly transcend all dimensions of our lives. With more than half of the world’s population online, digital technologies profoundly transform the way we work and open immense opportunities to the way we learn. However, despite the broad possibilities that continue to emerge, many still fall short of benefitting from these developments, […]


UNESCO launches Futures of Education global initiative

UNESCO has launched an initiative titled Futures of Education: Learning to Become to reimagine how knowledge and learning can shape the futures of humanity in a context of increasing complexity, uncertainty and precarity.  The launch took place during the September United National General Assembly at a high-level event that included several heads of state, government ministers (including from Morocco, Ghana and Ivory Coast), development […]

Conference sneak preview

An Online Digital Education Platform for Promoting the Adoption of e-Banking Tools by Women Entrepreneurs in Mauritius

by Aleesha Boolaky
Many SMEs are being managed and operated by women entrepreneurs (WEs) who contribute much to the SME sector. In Mauritius, women empowerment through entrepreneurship is among the main themes in the national SME Master Plan. However according to the world Bank “While Mauritian women are making major strides in terms of educational attainment at primary and secondary levels, they often lack […]

Field Stories

African Employment Markets: Highly Fragmented and Lacking Transparency

by Victor Thien
Organisations are faced with a multitude of challenges when it comes to identifying suitable employees with matching qualifications in African countries and cities. African employment markets are highly fragmented, increasing the difficulty for organizations to find new employees with specific skills efficiently, given the high number of job seekers applying to a fraction of available jobs in most African countries. To put challenges into perspective […]


German Delegation in eLearning Africa 2019

Germany will affirm its strong partnership with Africa, as experts gather to discuss “learnability and employability” at the 2019 eLearning Africa in Abidjan. This year sees the greatest-ever combined German engagement at Africa’s leading conference on ICT for Education, Training and Skills Development. Now in its fourteenth year, the event convenes in the Ivorian capital from 23 – 25 October. Africa’s opportunities and challenges […]


French expertise features prominently in the eLearning Africa 2019

French expertise features prominently in the 2019 edition of Africa’s most respected technology supported education and training conference and exhibition event. This year’s eLearning Africa convenes in Abidjan on 23-25 October under the theme “learnability and employability”. The annual pan-African conference is dedicated to examining the potential for using new communications technologies to spread educational opportunity. Ivory Coast, host of eLearning Africa 2019, has […]


Germany Provides New Access to Digital Learning in African Partner Countries

GA lookback at International cooperation between Germany and its partner institutions around Africa shows a long tradition of E-learning cooperation that takes centre stage. Since the inception and establishment of the first innovative Global Campus 21â platform in August 1999, countless projects, joint initiatives and pilots of innovative learning technologies have contributed to the advancement of digital learning. With support from the Federal Ministry […]


ICT Tools are Combined to Teaching All Subjects in Finland

by Satu Järvinen
Digitalisation has been said to be the biggest upheaval Finnish schools have faced in decades. Knowledge and understanding of ICT tools is a core skill of the new basic education curriculum introduces to schools in 2016. The curriculum places ICT skills as one of the seven transversal competences that apply to all subject areas of the curriculum. For ICT skills it […]

Field Stories

Using Mobile Technology to Enhance Learning Transfer

By Corinne Brion, PhD, University of Dayton, U.S.A            Today, I invite you to Ghana to present the findings of a study that examined the extent to which mobile technology enhanced the transfer of learning post training. Seven school leaders from three different schools were interviewed after they attended a three-day leadership training. Additionally,  I sent conversation triggers twice a week using WhatsApp. For […]