Field Stories

Field Stories

A Scholarship, an Online Course and a ‘Dream Come True’

By Caroline Newman, Senior Writer and Assistant Editor of Illimitable Office of Communications, University of Virginia Selam Kairu lives in Nairobi, Kenya, but she credits a lot of her business’s growth to lessons learned from the University of Virginia’s Darden School of Business, approximately 7,600 miles away. Since beginning online studies with Darden, Kairu and her husband Ken, who jointly started an insurance agency, […]

Field Stories

Highlighting the need to accelerate eLearning adoption in Uganda

By Isaac Kasana, Research & Education Network for Uganda Introduction For many years, the primary thrust of eLearning was to complement or enhance distance-learning needs: to make it more affordable and more accessible for the learners and also to enhance the educators’ throughput. With the developments in technology capability over the past 12 years, eLearning in its own right can now address many more education […]

Field Stories

Education and Technology are Changing Africa: Skills for a Digital Age and for All

by Sheila Jagannathan, Lead Learning Specialist, World Bank Rwanda’s progress from the devastating civil war two decades ago to one of the most rapidly developing African countries is a remarkable narrative on development. Twenty-four years ago, the country was torn apart by civil war and one of the worst genocides human history has known; one in which more than a million people were killed […]

Field Stories

With high costs and worker absenteeism associated with in-person trainings of health workers, can eLearning be the remedy?

By Valencia LYLE and Andrew MUHIRE, Rwandan Ministry of Health   When Rwandan health workers and Ministry of Health (MoH) staff require training, they frequently endure a disruption to their work schedules. Traditional, in-person trainings typically require staff to travel to a central location which is often far from their homes and workplaces. Furthermore, travel and room rental fees render in-person trainings costly.  In […]

Conference sneak preview Field Stories

Skills for the digital age – and for all

Three German Development Policy Approaches for a More Inclusive Future With an average age of only nineteen, African has the youngest and fastest-growing population of any continent. Its youth promises to be a catalyst for innovation, change and economic growth. Its rejuvenating population, however, will need about 20 million new jobs every year to support its economic potential. Digitalization, as the major transformative force […]

Field Stories

It takes a global village to raise 21st-century children

One of the key conversations in education today revolves around the solutions ICT tools can deliver. Can it contribute to increasing access? Can it improve the quality of education? Can it help make education more relevant? Can we leverage ICT for skills development? And fundamentally, how does technology affect the roles of the teachers and the students? Finland is a country that leads in […]

Field Stories

Why should we develop more Mobile Serious Games in Africa?

We all want to learn, but how can we make it more engaging for both the teacher and the learner? How to learn better? The best way to do it is through a game. Find out why developing mobile video games can be a solution to providing more access to education in Africa. A broad range of digital and non-digital games exists. Digital games are  […]

Conference sneak preview Field Stories

How Schools-Focused Tech Can Fix Africa’s Connectivity Problem

After attending e-Learning Africa 2017, ApplianSys Director of Technology Roger Clark set out to document how modern network technology can transform African connectivity and accelerate e-Learning rollout. Following an extensive study of network traffic patterns in connected classrooms in 12 countries, Roger is joining the 2018 conference to share insights from that research, but here’s a foretaste.   African nations are on a journey […]

Field Stories Trends

Hope flies Drones

It is amazing to think what human ambition is truly capable of; particularly turning something of great adversity into one of hope, change agent none the less. If you had asked many people a few years ago what a drone was, don’t be surprised if the responses were aligned to a killing machine. The use of remotely piloted aircraft, otherwise known as drones, were […]