Field Stories

Field Stories

Announcing – Global Innovation Lounge at re:publica

In 2012 Mark Kaigwa introduced the “Silicon Savannah”, Africa’s dynamic and innovative technology scene, to Berlin during his keynote at re:publica.  Technology innovation hubs, like the iHub in Nairobi where Mark Kaigwa lives, are mushrooming around the continent and are playing a central role in the fledgling tech and entrepreurial scene in Africa.

Field Stories

The saga of the telecentres/ Public internet access centres as cultural and economic change agents on the African continent

In Africa, the term “telecentres” covers diverse examples, ranging from a multitude of small telephony shops or Internet cafés, telecentre networks and multi-purpose community telecentres to projects initiated by governments and supported by international funding (1). However, each of them plays a specific role in the population’s adoption of ICT practices. (2) By Philippe Royer

Field Stories

Figureheads of development: women’s roles in Africa’s technology industry

Innovation and social entrepreneurship are taking off in a big way in Africa and huge progress is being made, especially when it comes to the growing community of women embracing technology in Africa. Change is happening rapidly, but what effects will this have on the Continent’s numerous traditions and cultures? Next year’s eLearning Africa conference will examine the crossroads of tradition, change and innovation.

Field Stories

Teching the high road

When hordes of young Zimbabweans were busy crossing the southern African country’s borders at the height of the economic meltdown in 2008, a young but determined Limbikani Makani decided to do otherwise and invested his time in coming up with a technology company aimed at changing the face of the country’s start-up scene. Golden Maunganidze reports

Field Stories

Finding NEMA: A New Education Model for Africa

Established in 1964, the African Development Bank (AfDB) has provided almost US$100 billion for development projects across the Continent. Corbin Michel Guedegbe, Chief Education Expert at AfDB, spoke to Prue Goredema of the eLearning Africa News Service about the AfDB’s work in establishing a New Education Model for Africa within the context of the Human Capital Development Strategy currently in preparation.

Field Stories

For girls, it is possible to dream big

Growing up in her native Kenya, Juliana Rotich was the lonely, young “geek” with oversized glasses at school. Today she is a highly successful tech entrepreneur who is a co-founder and Executive Director of Ushahidi, a homegrown non-profit tech company that has taken the world by storm. She spoke to Jocelyne Sambira of Africa Renewal Online about how increasing the number of female techs […]

Field Stories

IFADEM : Initiative francophone pour la formation à distance des maîtres

Co-pilotée par l’AUF et l’Organisation internationale de la Francophonie (OIF), l’Initiative francophone pour la formation à distance des maîtres (IFADEM) participe aux efforts internationaux en faveur d’une éducation primaire de qualité pour tous. Elle soutient les États dans la définition de stratégies de formation continue des enseignants du primaire afin d’améliorer les compétences des instituteurs dans l’enseignement du et en français. En partenariat avec […]