
Tweets of the week Monday, September 24th – Friday, September 28th 2012

Our week got off to an inspirational start as we shared a story about a community school on the Kenyan island of Lamu where young girls are reaching for education as a shield against poverty and ill-advised early marriages   The news is less rosy in Mali, where the country’s political turmoil has brought countless services to a virtual standstill, and thousands of children have not been in school for months.  Read more about it in this Guardian report On the bright side, the use of mobile learning has grown in leaps and bounds across the Continent, so perhaps the time will come when virtual schools serving children across the Continent are never again closed for business! A CNN article entitled “Seven ways mobile phones have changed lives in Africa” lists, amongst others: activism,  banking and of course education  But it’s not just mobile that has taken off in a big way. Newly updated figures indicating worldwide broadband usage have been published by the Broadband Commission for Digital Development. Who’s up, who’s down and where does your country stand? Take a look here:

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