
Tweets of the week Monday, August 27th – Friday, August 31st 2012

Greetings, friends of eLearning Africa! What a week we’ve had!  From sharing views on down-to-earth eLearning strategies to news of a first-of-its-kind broadcast from the red planet, we’ve tweeted about a number of exciting developments in the field of ICT for education.

Whether you’re a student, an educator or merely an interested bystander, you can have your say on the UNESCO Policy Guidelines on Mobile Learning.  They are inviting public input as they come up with a policy document that will be useful to people around the world It’s a worthwhile exercise since “The future of education in Africa is mobile” In a BBC column entitled “Matter of Life & Tech”, Steve Vosloo argues about the role that mLearning might play in ensuring a better quality of education for all.

The good news from Angola centres on a new media library in Benguela.  It is reported to have “500 network points, 150 computers, storage capacity of 13 lands bytes and 10,000 books” as well as “5,000 educational and games DVDs” amongst other material  Come Wednesday, we were excited to share the news of musician’s first: having his song “Reach for the stars” beamed from Mars by the Curiosity Rover.  However, with the exception of our own sun, the stars are light years away, so it’s an unfortunate song title, but the news of this musical coup nevertheless made for an uplifting message.  Read about the song and’s outreach work with students here

We’ve been keeping close tabs on the preparations for the Africa Forum on Business and Security. It will be held at the LAICO Regency Hotel in Nairobi on September 13th and 14th, and we shared some of their news. The Forum will bring together leaders from government, business and security for talks on how security and stability are fundamental to Africa’s economic growth. The line-up of speakers will include Dr Auma Obama, the Founder and Chair of the Sauti Kuu (Powerful Voices) Foundation which strives to aid youths to become self-sufficient  She is also the elder half-sister of US President Barack Obama.

 We’d love to hear about the eLearning developments you’ve been following online or off!  Get in touch via any or all of the following platforms:

  • The eLearning Africa Facebook group
  • The eLearning Africa LinkedIn group
  • eLearning Africa on Twitter: @eLAConference (#eLA13)
  • And of course, you can fill in the comment box below.

We’re looking forward to hearing from you!

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