
Tweets of the week Monday, August 20th – Friday, August 24th, 2012

MOOCs (massive open online courses, for the uninitiated) are all the rage with more and more universities worldwide offering such courses. What do you as an eLearning enthusiast need to know about MOOCs?  We found this article something to tweet about:  We sought inspiration from distant shores on Tuesday.  This Washington Post article entitled “Apps that make a difference” looks at the lessons to be learnt from people using apps for social good in the slums of Chile

Wednesday was a day of looking at what our sister conferences are up to.  The Africa Forum on Business and Security will take place from September 13th to 14th at the LAICO Regency Hotel in Nairobi. The conference agenda is now online:  The conference will bring together top-level decision makers from government, business and security to discuss the ways in which better security measures are necessary to protect Africa’s economic growth.

We also tweeted about the 18th annual ONLINE EDUCA BERLIN. Taking place from November 28th to 30th, 2012, the conference will feature an assortment of new formats.  For starters, all registered participants are invited to attend an exclusive screening of a film by the Tribeca Award-winning director Tiffany Shlain. Connected – an autoblogography about love, death & technology is a documentary-cum-memoir that has set tongues wagging.  See why here:

Thursday’s top tweets centred on the African tech start-up scene. On the bright side, The Economist says that Kenya’s technology start-up scene is about to take off  The era of innovation hubs is upon us, but amidst the euphoria, we’d perhaps do well to heed the advice of IT News Africa.  We found these “Top 10 reasons why African tech start-ups struggle” to be thought-provoking  Supporting the drive for students to have access to up-to-date resources, the AfDB has “established $11 million IT-based research centres to enhance science and technology education for students”, reports Business Day

What were your top tweets this week? Which eLearning issues are keeping you up at night?  Have you come across any news worth sharing – good or bad – about the state of ICT-enhanced education in Africa or even beyond?  Share your thoughts with the eLearning Africa community on any or all of the following platforms:

  • The eLearning Africa Facebook group
  • The eLearning Africa LinkedIn group
  • eLearning Africa on Twitter: @eLAConference (#eLA13)
  • And of course, you can fill in the comment box below.

We’re looking forward to hearing from you!

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