Tag: Youth

Conference sneak preview Field Stories Interview

A Ray of Light in Africa’s Darkest Corner

Harold Elletson talks to Congolese champion of disabled people and one of Africa’s most remarkable educators – Hortense Kavuo Maliro In August 2016, three days after a visit by the President of the Democratic Republic of Congo, Joseph Kabila, to the province of North Kivu in the north east of the country, a group of armed men, some of whom were dressed as soldiers, […]


The Next Frontier in Solving Africa’s Problems – eLearning

By Wycliffe Omanya, Plan International In an event with over a thousand delegates, 68 parallel sessions, 50 exhibition booths, and 18 sector representation, the 13th eLearning Africa conference in Kigali, Rwanda was a place saturated with knowledge, learning, and networking opportunities. This year’s eLearning Africa, like its predecessors, presented an array of thematic conversations and cutting-edge technologies that are practical, timely, and relevant for Africa’s […]

Field Stories

Social media rebranding agriculture

Eds: Many thanks to Adebola Adedugbe for agreeing to do the interview after a lengthy power cut in Abuja! Energetic, resourceful young Africans make up roughly 50% of the Continent’s population. And their rising numbers go hand in hand with a decreasing agricultural workforce. Waves of young people migrate from rural to urban areas in search of white-collar jobs and better earnings. Why pick […]

Conference sneak preview Opinions

“Africa’s major asset is the youth”

Bitange Ndemo is a senior lecturer at the University of Nairobi School of Business, and the former Permanent Secretary of Kenya’s Ministry for Information and Communication. It was in this position that he presided over many of the technological and social advances that have made his country into one of the most influential centres of ICT innovation in Africa. A prolific commentator on modern […]