Tag: Telemedicine


Bullion ebullient

In this edition: the gender gap is bridged – as is the Atlantic ocean. Find out what books Ugandans like to read most, how the country’s doctors are helping diagnose fevers on the other side of the world, and about the Ugandan film with Oscar-winning potential – read on… Uganda News in brief: Mbabazi-M7 row: spy tapes show extent of Mbabazi support (Observer) ++++ […]


Electrifying Uganda

This week, find out about the innovations about to take off in Uganda – the Smart Pen aimed at improving fisheries, the electric bus that could well soon be seen on the streets of Kampala and the hubs that are making all this digital entrepreneurship possible – read on… Police set up cyber-crime unit – free speech activists raise concern (Monitor) ++++ Ugandans abroad […]