Tag: eLA17


“A prudent optimist”: President Ameenah Gurum-Fakim

When Dutch sailors first landed in Mauritius in 1598, they discovered an island paradise rich in lush, tropical vegetation and with abundant supplies of fresh water. They also famously found the dodo, which has been described as a “feathered tortoise,” a bird so fat that it could not fly. It provided an easy target and a ready supply of meat for even the most […]

Conference sneak preview

Panel Talks Explore eLearning as a Tool to Secure Employability

Four comprehensive panel talks at this year’s eLearning Africa conference, taking place in Mauritius from September 27 to 29, will explore how technology enhanced learning can be used to develop useful and lifelong skills that are attractive to employers and reinforce learners’ employability. The thoughtfully devised sessions will examine how technology can be used across a wide range of education and training models to […]