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Bridging the Digital Divide: A Journey Through Appropriate Technology

In this article, Jan Willem Eggink from Three Mountains Learning Advisors, Rwanda, argues that bridging the digital divide requires course designers to go the extra mile by leveraging appropriate technology and tailoring their design to the people they seek to serve. He elaborates on four lessons he learned from his practice as an instructional designer. By: Jan Willem Eggink In the late 70s of […]


We Want to Make the Globe our Classroom. This is How.

Education should be free, available and accessible to everyone. Those sentiments from article 26 of the UN Declaration of Human Rights rang so true for us that we named our initiative after the article. We created Article26 to build a platform that connects global companies, NGOs, NPOs, educational institutions and most importantly: learners. When we say “Everyone” we mean “Everyone” At Article26, inclusivity is […]

Conference sneak preview General

Meet the French EdTech Delegation at eLearning Africa 2024!

With the support of Bpifrance, Business France is accompanying 9 French companies from the EdTech sector to discover the Rwandan market at the eLearning Africa trade fair, a key event in the field of education in Africa. These companies are specialised in digital learning platforms, adaptive content, and personalized learning experiences. Their mission? Revolutionise education through technology. Selected by a panel of experts, these […]

Conference sneak preview General

Transforming Education in Africa: The Role of Generative AI and Adaptive Learning in Scaling Quality Learning

Laura Kakon, Group Chief Growth and Strategy Officer, Honoris United Universities One year has passed since the introduction of OpenAI’s ChatGPT, elevating Artificial Intelligence (AI) and, more specifically, Generative AI, to commonplace discussions and widespread integration across various industries. In the dynamic landscape of the evolving workforce, higher education faces the imperative to leverage the capabilities of technology and embrace the advancements in Generative […]

Conference sneak preview

The Potential of Innovation in Tourism for Change and Empowerment in Emerging Economies

This year’s eLearning Africa conference offers a unique opportunity to explore the catalytic role of innovation in driving sustainable tourism development and economic empowerment across emerging economies. The full-day workshop “The Potential of Innovation in Tourism for Change and Empowerment in Emerging Economies” promises an immersive dive into the dynamics reshaping this vital industry. Led by experts from GIZ Cambodia and Green Key International, […]


Rebuilding: From Earthquake Chaos to Launching Cloud Careers

On February 6th, 2023, a 7.8 magnitude earthquake hit southern and central Turkey and northern and western Syria, causing widespread damage. The massive earthquake caused people to lose their homes and livelihoods, with an estimated 1.5 million people left homeless, and at least 1.1 million people – primarily Turkish citizens – moving to different parts of the country. Finding opportunity in uncertain times In […]

Conference sneak preview General

Leadership in the Age of AI: A Workshop You Cannot Miss!

The Context Being a Leader in today’s day and age is terrifying and exciting in equal parts. So much is changing so fast, and AI is showing us its undeniable potential to reshape industries and change how we work. With the alarm bells ringing about jobs disappearing and AI taking over work, Leaders are worried about managing these changes, and also about the implications […]


Introducing Keynote Speaker Muongeni Tamara Manda

One of Britain’s leading auteurs, Peter Greenway, said he has “always been fascinated by maps and cartography. A map tells you where you’ve been, where you are, and where you’re going — in a sense it’s three tenses in one.” This sentiment runs literally and figuratively through the story of Muongeni Tamara Manda. Born in Shurugwi, Zimbabwe, the 23-year-old is acutely aware of where […]

Field Stories General Opinions

Interview with Moodle Founder & Head of Research Martin Dougiamas

1. It has been more than five years since you shared with eLearning Africa that you were “worried by the Silicon Valley approach” in Africa, and “the disturbing trend for large corporations to seize power and control, controlling the conversation with a cultural agenda.” You noted then that African countries should be “doing the research on what works for them.” What have you learned […]

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Interview with Rebecca Stromeyer in Edutimes Africa

If you’re keen to explore the evolution and impact of eLearning Africa, the interview with eLearning Africa’s founder Rebecca Stromeyer featured in Edutimes Africa’s February magazine offers a historical overview of eLearning Africa and describes how this pioneering conference and exhibition stand at the forefront of leveraging information and communication technologies (ICT) for education and training across the continent. The event’s significance is highlighted […]