
Join the Thought-Provoking eLearning Africa Plenary Debate on the Impact of AI on Education in Africa

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become a global force, revolutionising various industries and transforming the way we live, work, and learn. But what about its impact on education in Africa? Are the potential benefits worth the possible drawbacks? These questions will be at the centre of an upcoming debate that promises to be thought-provoking and enlightening.

This year’s motion “This House Believes that AI Will Do More Harm than Good to Education in Africa” will examine AI’s implications for African education. The debate will delve into the significance of AI for African students, teachers, schools, and universities. It aims to explore the consequences, both positive and negative, that AI might bring to African learning. Will the undeniable benefits of skills transfer, content creation, and personalized learning outweigh the potential costs in terms of privacy, security, and freedom?

Meet the Speakers:

Supporting the Motion:

Francisca Oladipo:

Vice Chancellor of Thomas Adewumi University, Professor of Computer Science, and a distinguished leader in implementing machine-actionable FAIR Data Points. With an extensive background in STEM education and international collaborations, Professor Oladipo brings a unique perspective to the debate.

Mark West:

Working in UNESCO’s Education Sector, Mark West is an expert in leveraging technology to enhance learning, particularly in the Global South. His experience in analyzing the impact of digital transformation on education during the COVID-19 pandemic as well as his

2019 report, I’d Blush if I Could,  which led Apple and other technology firms to make major changes to the way Siri and other AI assistants project gender, will provide valuable insights.

Against the Motion:

Hon. Michael Onyango:

As the founder of Africa’s Forgotten Bottom Millions (4BM) and member of the Distributed Ledgers and Artificial Intelligence Taskforce at the Kenyan Ministry of ICT and a previous County Government  Minister responsible for ICT, Michael Onyango is dedicated to providing career opportunities for African youth through digital technology. His expertise in economic empowerment and experience in governmental and NGO sectors will offer a strong counterargument.

Donald Clark:

A renowned EdTech Entrepreneur and CEO with over 30 years of experience in online learning, AI, and virtual reality, Donald Clark bring a wealth of knowledge to the debate. His expertise in AI adds a valuable perspective to the discussion. Join us for an intellectually stimulating debate on the impact of AI on education in Africa. Be part of the conversation as expert speakers present their arguments on both sides of the motion. This is an opportunity to gain insights, challenge assumptions, and contribute to a deeper understanding of the potential risks and rewards that AI presents for African education. Don’t miss out on this engaging event that will shape the future of education in Africa.


  1. very useful blog!

  2. Hi there
    Does one need to attend in person or is there a virtual /recorded option?

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