As hotspots for local IT communities, innovation hubs provide powerful opportunities for social innovation and community empowerment. But how can hubs ensure that all their activities, including community building, tools, services and workshops pay their way and help to build sustainable replicable environments for local empowerment? Join participants involved in hubs all across the Continent at this eLearning Africa pre-conference workshop to exchange knowledge, […]
Conference sneak preview
Powering classroom learning with Dell cloud client computing
Classroom technology can transform the learning experience. With Dell cloud client computing you’ll discover how to use it to meet your goal of raising education standards. How? Dell cloud client computing understands what technology is beneficial to have in the classroom – and what’s not. Just by moving complex technology and management away from the classroom, leaves you with powerful easy-to use class computers […]
The EAST Challenge 2013: Brandberg Königstein Summit Trek!
Dear adventurers, The eLearning Africa Scholarship Trust (EAST) is very excited to announce the details of the EAST Challenge 2013.
Eyes on EAST!
This week, the eLearning Africa team met with eLearning Africa Scholarship Trust (EAST) scholarship recipients. The EAST programme, thanks to the kind donations of individuals and organisational partners, sponsors participation at the eLearning Africa conference of low-income Africans who are passionate about ICT and education. Today, EAST passed the microphone to two of its 2012 scholarship winners to find out how EAST – and […]
The eLearning Africa 2013 Survey – Take part until the 20th of February 2013 – your opinion counts
The growing success of the annual eLearning Africa conference is a testament to the widespread energy and innovation fuelling the education and ICT sectors on the Continent. However, enthusiasm and interest alone are not enough to drive policy change or encourage investors. 2013 marks the second year of the ground-breaking eLearning Africa Survey gathering opinions and data on the African […]
Back to Benin: A look back at eLearning Africa 2012
With preparations for eLearning Africa 2013 in Windhoek, Namibia underway, we are taking a brief pause to look back at the conference held in May of this year. Each year, the conference relocates to a different African country, reflecting the desire to engage the whole continent in debate and discussion about how to support and improve the education process through technologies – this year […]
Interview with the Namibian delegates at ONLINE EDUCA BERLIN 2012
During ONLINE EDUCA BERLIN 2012, we had the great opportunity to conduct an interview with the Namibian delegates, getting a first glimpse of what’s currently happening in eLearning in Namibia and what we can look forward to at the conference in May. But see for yourself:
Namibia country profile
Throughout its seven years, eLearning Africa has travelled the length and breadth of the African continent, from Addis Ababa, Nairobi and Dar es Salaam in the East all the way to Accra, Dakar and Cotonou in the West and Lusaka in the South. This variety of locations affords different perspectives and diverse cultural contexts within which critical conversations on the evolution of eLearning in […]
The Call for Proposals for eLearning Africa 2013 is open until 16 January, 2013!
In order to foster successful conversations that get to the heart of the topic of eLearning in Africa, the global conference eLearning Africa is calling for a wide range of proposals. Under the broader heading of “Tradition, Change & Innovation”, eLearning Africa is inviting proposals that are linked to the following sub-themes: The Present – Innovation and Learning Under the African Sky; The Past […]
Namibian delegates at ONLINE EDUCA BERLIN
Listen to this podcast recorded live at ONLINE EDUCA BERLIN, the largest global eLearning conference for the corporate, academic and public service sectors. From 18:10 to 26:57, we interviewed a delegation from Namibia who are organising eLEarning Africa 2013. Check it out!