Jamaica’s future economic prosperity and economic growth is underpinned, to a large extent, by the capacity of the education and training systems to upgrade the skills and competencies of the emerging and existing workforce. As Jamaica increasingly integrates its economy into regional and global markets, new demands are emerging, driven by competitive labour dynamics. At the same time, there is a known skills shortage […]
Author: ICWE
A new narrative for understanding learning
We need a new narrative for understanding learning, suggest George Siemens. In his vision of the future, learners are part of – not only recipients of – information, knowledge, learning and teaching. The well-known Canadian eLearning expert will open eLearning Africa 2008 with a keynote presentation. Siemens is one of the most innovative thinkers in the fields of learning and technology. His work is […]
Bridging the scientific content divide in African universities
Since the mid-1980s, a large number of university libraries in Africa, especially in sub-Saharan Africa, have faced reduced budgets. In some cases, they have no funds whatsoever for subscriptions to scientific journals due to competing demands like national infrastructure development, to which governments are giving priority.
ICT changing the fortunes of rural communities
Indeed, the power of ICTs as a force for socio-economic change is now being realised by the mostly poor residents in costal areas of rural Kenya. At the click of a button, members of well-organised rural self-help groups are able to search for markets for their farm products, make inquiries and even secure orders!
Interview with Ferruh Gurtas, Intel Corporate Affairs Group Director, Middle East, Turkey and Africa
Intel has long been committed to improving education on a global scale. The company has invested over US$1 billion in education programmes through the Intel Education Initiative in more than 50 countries on all continents, thus helping to train four million teachers in more than 40 countries to date. Especially in Africa, Intel is actively supporting teacher education. According to Ferruh Gurtas, Intel […]
Interview with Alan Yates, General Manager of the Worldwide Education Group at Microsoft
Alan Yates is general manager of the worldwide education group at Microsoft, where he works with education customers and leaders around the globe conducting groundbreaking work in support of the educational and economic aspirations of emerging markets. With three advanced degrees from Harvard and Stanford, Alan has also been a teacher and a state public policy director. He will be attending the African […]
Digital inclusion for Africa
Established in 1958, ECA is one of five regional commissions under the administrative direction of United Nations (UN) headquarters. As the regional arm of the UN in Africa, it is mandated to support the economic and social development of its 53 member States. Aida Opoku-Mensah is Officer-in-Charge of the Development Information Services Division at the UNECA. Her ICT Team is primarily responsible for implementing […]
Evolving education
The Shuttleworth Foundation is a South African organisation that invests in social, technical and policy innovation in the fields of education and technology. The Foundation works through active partnerships with local and international organisations. The Shuttleworth Foundation was founded upon an open philosophy that includes the promotion of open source, open standards and open information access with the belief that sharing stimulates change and […]
The Association of African Universities (AAU) is the apex organisation and forum for consultation, exchange of information and cooperation among institutions of higher education in Africa. It represents the voice of higher education in Africa for regional and international bodies and supports networking by institutions of higher education in teaching, research, information exchange and dissemination. One of the emerging issues at institutions of higher […]
Interactive classrooms initiative in South Africa expands
Project director Ron Beyers of the Meraka Institute at the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) will soon initiate a research component using SMART’s Bridgit conferencing software that allows a quick, easy and effective way to share voice, video and data over the Internet. “Research is needed into the virtual classroom, and this will increase the effectiveness of teaching and learning. This will […]