Field Stories

AeRC Kenya: IT Governance Training Online

Some 1300 students from 27 countries across Africa have been trained by the African eDevelopment Resource Center (AeRC). The organisation, which is based in Nairobi, Kenya, is one of East Africa’s most renowned IT training institutions. From June onwards, AeRC will be offering a large proportion of its IT Governance training courses online.

“The beginning of 2011 called for two things with a promise of great results in the near future,” says James Ngatia, Business Development Manager at AeRC. “Conforming to global training trends and taking a bold step in implementing what our students had requested throughout the previous year: to go the eLearning way.”

More than 65% of the centre’s students requested “more convenient training delivery options” with some suggesting either “online learning or virtual classes”, according to Ngatia. “You need no other sign to make a shift, especially when this kind of response is coming from information technology professionals from all over Africa,” he adds.

So by June this year, AeRC will be offering most of its IT Governance courses online, such as ITIL, CobiT, ISO/IEC 20000, Virtualisation and Cloud computing courses. Thanks to the partnership with ITpreneurs (, AeRC’s online platform is designed to accommodate various online learning preferences, e.g. self-paced eLearning, virtual online class attendance as well as blended-learning options.

Ngatia is convinced that with students located all around Africa, from Cairo to Cape Town and from Mombasa to Dakar, and a teacher based in Burkina Faso, for example, the online delivery of courses will be a blessing to both AeRC’s students and customers (their employers).

The benefits include, for example, a saving on the course price of more than 70% as well as little to no transport or accommodation costs.

Beyond the introduction of self-paced learning, AeRC is also seeking to add virtual classes to the whole IT Governance catalogue. The greatest benefits include guaranteed consistency in the delivery of material, skills and knowledge by facilitators. Additionally, online learning provides a platform for discussions and sharing rich local examples.

More information can be found at



  1. great job guys, keep it up 🙂
    IT governance is one of the essential courses in IT field 🙂

  2. There is a awebsit that is coming up thatwill be ready to help all those students and teacher that are interested in the e-learning service.the site is called e-tutor but it is not limited to Ugandans as you may think.being one of the develo[ers of this service,i am sure that by 01-10-2011 the site and the services will be ready for use.
    please any one interested should try this website on te above stated date.

  3. Hi, am Roda working at the ICT Dept in the Egerton University on the ict helpdesk i am desperately looking for a training ,course,seminar for the helpdesk.
    Kindly assist me.

  4. Anthony M. Macharia

    I am quite impressed by what AeRC is doing towards changing the way of lesson delivery to learners. I am a lecturer at Mombasa Technical Training Institute and among the early adopters of the technological change, with the use of ICT and other modes to make education more accessible and moreso flexible.

    This is the way to go if we are to achieve the millennium goals for having education accessible to all people, and at their own convenience. Much appreciation should be given to the government for opening channels that entrenches flexibility even if we still have teething problem as we endeavour to make it work for us.

    Our institute is fully committed to achieving this as well since much has been done on the ground and we are also involved with Commonwealth of Learning to further this goal.

  5. How will i register with online education in ict.

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