Conference sneak preview

The winners take it all

Three lucky eLearning Africa fans are each walking away with a Wi-Fi and 4G-enabled iPad3 after their names were drawn from those of the 876 respondents to the eLearning Africa 2012 Survey conducted earlier this year. Dinah Amankwah of Ghana, Joseph Mevognon of Benin and Abraham Kule of Uganda are on top of the world!

When Joseph Mevognon completed the online survey a few months ago, his aim was primarily to share his experiences with others, so the recent news that he’d won a prize came as a pleasant surprise. “I was thrilled to learn that I am one of the winners of an iPad3 because I had already forgotten that there was to be a lucky draw. Winning this fantastic gadget has further motivated me to move forward with my work as Executive Director and eLearning Programmes Coordinator of the Joseph the Worker Foundation.”

Based in Sèmè-Podji, Benin, the foundation has provided a host of social and educational services since its inception in 1996, and at present Mevognon is focusing on the dissemination of some interactive CDs they have developed for juveniles in need of social intervention.  He says, “We’re working on an eLearning platform that will ultimately improve child protection in Africa, and the iPad could not have come at a better time!” Mevognon is looking forward to the networking opportunities that will abound at eLearning Africa 2012. “The high-level exchanges and the chance to learn about the experiences of others from all corners of the globe make eLearning Africa 2012 the place to be!”

Tracking down Dinah Amankwah for comment was no easy feat. “I had problems with my Internet connection and had not received messages for a month,” she explains. But her technology woes have since been set aside because she is now the happy owner of an iPad3. “Wow! I answered the survey in order to provide you with information, and I win an iPad3…I am beyond thrilled!” she gushes. Amankwah has been enjoying her nifty new device, and so far, she’s taking it everywhere, even work. She teaches English and Communication Studies at the School of Applied Arts at Takoradi Polytechnic. “I was looking forward to the eLearning Africa 2012 sessions on new classroom technology which could enhance my teaching,” she says.  “Unfortunately, a scheduling conflict with work means I won’t make it.  It’s my loss!”  However, the iPad3 she has won is a great consolation.

On the other side of the Continent, Abraham Kule is distraught that work commitments at Uganda Martyrs University will prevent him from attending eLearning Africa 2012. He works as an editor and administrator at the university’s Centre for Distance Learning Studies and produces multimedia materials for distance learners. “I was particularly looking forward to attending presentations on the theme of eLearning for Sustainable Communities and also the networking events,” he says. Fortunately, Kule will be able to keep up with news about eLearning Africa 2012 on his shiny new iPad3. “My first reaction when I heard that I had won an iPad was disbelief. I’d been planning to buy one for the longest time, but it seemed to be an out-of-reach dream!” he exclaims.

The survey to which the three winners and hundreds of others responded was an essential component of the eLearning Africa 2012 Report.  The report is comprised of the survey data as well as detailed analyses by leading commentators from 41 countries, all offering insight on the role of ICT-enhanced educational practices in Africa.  Download your free copy of the eLearning Africa 2012 report here:

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