Conference sneak preview

Take to the stage at eLearning Africa 2012!

From Pre-Conference workshops to plenary speeches, debates, demonstrations and parallel sessions, eLearning Africa features an array of exciting session formats. This year, the fast-paced Ignite session and a thrilling new Role Play session beckon presenters and participants to take to the stage! Places are limited, and we invite you to register your interest swiftly for a chance to be in the spotlight.

The role of mLearning

With 65% of people in Africa having access to a mobile phone, mobile phone penetration trumps PC ownership in many parts of the Continent. The Global System for Mobile Communication Association (GSMA) estimates that by the end of 2012, there will be more than 735 million mobile phone subscribers across Africa.  There is therefore much potential for mobile learning to become the dominant method of technology-enhanced learning. Perspectives on how to embrace mLearning are many and varied.

At eLearning Africa in Cotonou, Managing Conflicting Stakeholder Perspectives on Mobile Learning will be a session with a difference. Participants are invited to register their interest in taking part in a role play session that will be staged in order to elucidate the many issues surrounding mLearning.  Conducting the mLearning discussion through this interactive, off-the-beaten track format will allow for disparate stakeholders to express how mLearning innovations will affect them and how this new direction will shape the Continent’s education systems.  Whether you approach the topic as a parent, youthful mLearner, community leader, teacher, principal or policymaker, your view is invited on stage! To learn more about how you can take part, please email us here.

Igniting the passion for learning

The Ignite session is another riveting eLearning Africa experience, and we would like to invite participants interested in taking part to submit their proposal. Contentious views will vie for dominance as Africa’s top ICT practitioners, educators, policymakers and decision makers chart the best route for implementing effective educational initiatives in their respective countries. Ignite is an invigorating experience not to be missed. Speakers are given a mere five minutes to make their case. Each presentation features twenty slides which are advanced after fifteen seconds.

At the next eLearning Africa, the theme of the Ignite session will be iHubs, Innovation and Entrepreneurship.  If you think you have what it takes to make your case in five minutes, please send us a short proposal which will be reviewed by the eLearning Africa Programme Committee for possible inclusion. Email us your proposal here.

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